---------------------------------------------Originally posted by maz duh---------------------------------------------Originally posted by nigels world---------------------------------------------Originally posted by maz duhYou are aware of the geometry issues that this will induce to your front end, correct? Not trying to be a prick, just want to make sure you are informed before you fire up the old Sawzall.---------------------------------------------You can perform this mod with zero change in geometry. --------------------------------------------- If you move the pivot point of the lower balljoint upwards while leaving all of the remaining pivot points the same you have made a change in the geometry, study the Akerman sticky and you will see what I'm talking about. Some trucks will react to this type of mod with more negative effects than others , increased bumpsteer will be the most common issues asociated with this operation. Drop spindles are typically the better bet as they retain the factory geometry in the front end as much as possible. I do however understand that they are not available for every truck out there and that sometimes stepping the arm is an option for people in these cases. An alternative would be a custom drop knuckle which could get pricey if you have to farm out the fab work to someone else but is worth it all the way. ---------------------------------------------You are incorrect They are just changing the shape of the armYou are not moving any pivot pionts as the arms still attach to the frame and spindle in the same location as stock