Not to steal your thunder, but Campy has considered branching out as well. Can't take this desk-ridden crap much longer. Besides, a free-spirit like myself can't work for "the Man" all his life. I like to make my own schedule. Know what I mean?
Yes Sir, just might be in the market for a dump truck and a Bobcat...
Yea having hours suck, but i think if there was anything i REALLY needed off for hed be cool with it. I already told him i may take off 1/2 some fridays to go to shows and be late on the following monday, se said just to tell him when.
First day is done, tomorrow we will have a rolling chassis and if your all lucky some pics too.
thats sweet.. man we have been doing the paint and body work for a shop that only builds 32's i am so sick and tired of just do the body work and paint work but the is GREAT money in it because those guys will spend ALOT of to have one build.. good luck with the new job
im thinking about maybe getin back out of the painting business and put the F-350 to work on the open road doing some hot shotin!