---------------------------------------------Originally posted by B rad rangeron22zVery interested in how your truck rides 98low. Did you get it all installed?I have been researching this after reading the article in Minitruckin'.How much does the whole system cost? I think I want this on my Excursion...--------------------------------------------- Sure did, I have been driving daily with it for several months now. I am still very impressed with the technology that the Heon Brothers have implemented into the air ride industry. I can't wait to see what else they have in store. The e-Level has such control over the air ride system that there are days I don't even hit a switch. It is easy as jump in the truck, key on, truck raises, enjoy. The Touchpad has many diagnostic features and options built in. You can select to have the system monitor the height while driving, making changes every 45 seconds. The arrows and position numbers have different back light colors to produce error codes. This allows you to monitor the performance of your air compressor, sensor function, etc. I can even select between two pressures that I want the compressor to cut off. It is awesome to be driving down the highway and slamm the truck to my #1 (LOW) height, it feels as if the truck drops from under itself then stops dead nuts an inch from the ground. Normally you have to keep gently tapping your switches to get the truck in it's lowest cruising height, the Accuair e-Level does it in one single fluid motion. This is also great when you are rolling by a cop super low, one tap of a switch and you sneak right by them.