oh no u cant get switched ignition/accessory behind the radio u need to either go to the column or the fuse box under the hood....if u should decide to go to the column its gonna be a brown wire u want to tag.....there are a few brown wires there but they all function the same....they are the accessory wire....it will be fine for the remote turn-on for the amp....i use it all the time...just pull the lower dash and u can get to the wires from there,u will see the harness, there is a plug taped to it, then there are some wires u can see right behind it (leave those alone) then there are some wires that are encased in tape, this is th eharness u need, slice the tape open and tag the brown wire, like i said they all function on accessory, but test them with a volt meter (dont use a test light, it backfeeds ground and can/will damage shit if u probe the wrong wires with it)....good luck and have fun...