Campy says:
American Farmers=Good
Dune Coon Terrorists=Bad
Yay for Ethanol!
So what if the price of corn goes up. I don't eat that ish anyway.
...Except for the chips.
...at night on the couch.
...watching re-runs of Oz and Deadwood.
...after Mrs. Campy goes to bed.
It's the same thing as people whining about the cost of living going up if we 86 (or at least stop) all the illegals flooding this country. Even if it is true, I'd rather pay a little more up front, that unwillingly support Mexico's economy at America's expense. (Not to mention higher taxes and health care costs, etc...)
Same for Ethanol...I'd rather pay a bit more for food, etc. than support some half cocked, backward, degenerate nation that supports, help or even turns a blind eye to terrorism.
I'm not saying America's rockin' a halo, and I'm sure it's not as black and white as I would like to think it is, but for my money, Ethanol's looking like a viable option.
...but yes your right Husk, time will tell my friend.