---------------------------------------------Originally posted by DougyFrisch---------------------------------------------Originally posted by ken_drisYou could also look into the Vivitar 285HV's. They're cheap (around 90 brand new from B&H) and work really well. A lot of skateboarding photographers use them, as they are really reliable and fairly inexpensive. Link to B&H...
http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/61441-REG/Vivitar_233965_285HV_Auto_Flash.html#features ---------------------------------------------Now i like that setup better then having separate flashes and receivers, but what do you use as a transmitter from the camera? i like how that's built all in one, i have no need to take the flash off the receiver when i already got a camera mount flash...---------------------------------------------Pocket wizards are nice, but really expensive. You could check out the transmitters and recievers availible through Alienbees.
http://www.alienbees.com/remotes.html. Or check out Radio Poppers here
http://shop.radiopopper.com/radiopopperjrxsystem.aspx. The cheapest way would be long PC snyc cords, but if you do that with the vivitars you have to make sure get a snyc cord with the special Vivitar end. Also these are pretty cool too...
http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/63118-REG/Wein_W940001_PN_Peanut_Slave_100_.htmlThey work by triggering a second flash from the light it picks up from your main flash unit. I've never used them, but I hear they work well and there under $20 each.