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Full Size Truckin General \  Anyone have any info about this truck I NEED SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone have any info about this truck I NEED SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 46
following 37
bigjon   +1y
I found this truck for sale locally I know very little about it and wondering if anyone can help me out.  the dealership bought it at auction and they know even less about it than I do.  I love the truck its just really scary buying something like that with no info!!

dragnblazer   +1y

I don't know anything about it but man it looks clean as hell. I'd say pick it up, ask questions later. that thing is nasty!
bigjon   +1y
Help me I'm on a time crunch
boooghar   +1y

lol @ that truck being on a used car lot now
dwn2erths10   +1y
i used to know alot about it. It was for Kerry "Duck" Cunningham of d.i.b. in louisiana. Back when it was orange and then orange and green, I put alot of stereo equipment in it and a remote start alarm. The remote start came out when he was having trouble with the diesel injector pump and he thought it was the alarm. the stereo came out when it got the hd front end and painted blue. After the rebuild i put a new stereo in it and he took it out after like 6 months. I believe Kevin Holland also had alot to do with the rebuild of this truck. As far as suspension, im pretty sure it was solid when he sold it almost 5 years ago. The engine and trans were good when it was sold. Ive been to alot of shows in that thing its good to see it still in good shape.
Rusty Shackleford   +1y

I was just gonna say that looked like Duck's old truck. Was on the cover of StreetTrucks a while back. Just curious what the dealer is askin for the truck???

LaynRockers   +1y

Yep he is correct that is Duck's old Dually. I never knew who he sold it to but he works at a Chevy dealership in LA, odd that it turns up in WA!! I have not seen it in a few years. But he was the owner of DIB as mentioned above.
IGotIssues   +1y

How much is that dealer trying to get out of it?
mazberrydelight   +1y

i saw it a couple years ago at sumer Slam , looked good then , only thing i noticed was a broken upper rear shock mount
societyoutkast   +1y

wow i wanna fly up there and get that