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Full Size Truckin General \  Silverado With Tahoe Front End

Silverado With Tahoe Front End

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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OneBadRado   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by twistedsdime---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Ray_RayHere is Ekstensive's phone number, maybe you can call Bill and he will tell you if the hood shuts or not-   281-442-1050---------------------------------------------He'd probably still argue with him and tell him it's not shut! It's easy to just sit behind a computer screen and hate. It's hard work to actually put in the hours in the shop to get projects like these done REPEATEDLY!!!---------------------------------------------exactly he prolly still would argue.. its closed enough to me the blue truck by extensive is badass. i can now see how much work went into gettin it converted.. the red one too is awesome.. i mean he's tuckin i think what are 26's (on the blue one) maybe bigger unlike your 18s on the front and 20's on the back..
relaxedmitch   +1y
Edited: 10/4/2009 10:14:18 PM by relaxedmitch

This site cracks me up. Lots of sideliners that love to talk shit on other frontliners hardwork. All I can really say to it is these projects are major work and my hats are off to each & every builder who does them. So, when your sideline ass wants to put the keyboard down and get on the frontline & build something let us know. That goes for every know-it-all who never does anything but spit their bullshit on here. So, knock off the bitterness & bring on the betterness. In the end all people remember are the results produced, not the bullshit words from a bunch of sideliners. Sorry, but it needed to be said.
KEEF   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by relaxedmitchEdited: 10/4/2009 10:14:18 PM by relaxedmitchThis site cracks me up. Lots of sideliners that love to talk shit on other frontliners hardwork. All I can really say to it is these projects are major work and my hats are off to each & every builder who does them. So, when your sideline ass wants to put the keyboard down and get on the frontline & build something let us know. That goes for every know-it-all who never does anything but spit their bullshit on here. So, knock off the bitterness & bring on the betterness. In the end all people remember are the results produced, not the bullshit words from a bunch of sideliners. Sorry, but it needed to be said. ---------------------------------------------WELL STATED BROTHER
baggeddime   +1y

funny this tuckinlug guy is always on everyones forum hating need to get a life

SeveredTX   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by TuckingLugs05oh and yea why there inst a pic of it layed with the hood shut ..its cause it cant---------------------------------------------Tom i know it is easy to just speak before knowing the facts but on this one you should have done a little research before trying to slam us.  Are you ready TOM  The reason in most of the pictures the hood is just sitting down not latched issssssssssss   At a show we are to lazy to always be opening and closing it for everyone that wants to see under the hood.  Leaving it cracked open alows us to just walk up to it and open it.  TAAADAAAA.  It closes perfect and all the body lines and gapes are the same as a factory front.  Tom i hope you now approve and think the truck is nice. 
idrgbdy   +1y
hello, i'm calling about a photo i seen on a website in regards to if the hood is closed or not? ok, let me transfer you to our is-the-hood-closed-or-not manager. hold please.       he should text it to the KGB people.... lol
Ray_Ray   +1y
Edited: 10/5/2009 3:55:16 PM by Ray_Ray

Thank you, Mitch for clearing things up. Not meant as a smart ass comment either, thank you for giving us the story.
wickedlittlething   +1y
i am in the process of doing it to my 2000 gmc sierra this winter.
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OneBadRado   +1y
Edited: 11/5/2009 10:40:41 AM by OneBadRado

The new Truckin Cover with that awesome blue silverado with tahoe front end... is just plain awesome... the cover page is sick.... and then it gets even better looking at the feature pages and all of its pictures showing all the attention to detail. the truck is just pefect and the work done by the truckin editors and photo graphers is plain sick.. great work truckin... great work on a great truck...  
post photo
cuddcountry   +1y

i think they feature has to much photo shopping done to it.   i like the untouched pics on truckin web site.eather way still a sick truck