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Mini Truckin General \  Make a GOD DAMN comment...

Make a GOD DAMN comment...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 477
replies 30
following 27
22below   +1y
 I visit this site just about everyday. I check the top forums, and the top 5 rides. If any interest me, then I leave a comment.
Especially on the actual vehicle page, to let the person know I was there and wanted to show some support (a good old thumbs up).
But after years on this site I see that many people dont try to show that same support.
Maybe its the look at me attitude that Myspace/Facebook/Twitter have evolved people into, look at me!!! look at me!!
People just care about their truck and dont care about anyone else in this "scene" online.
So what do you all at SSM think?
I will probably get no response and nothing will change.............*sigh*
relaxednoma   +1y
i fully agree. I must say I miss the days of Lief and him always having a positive word or two and leaving a tag. It's always cool to see a new comment on your profile or on your ride that you are working on. Although I must say, if I left a comment everytime I looked at the any of your 3, you'd have 100 comments from me haha. Guy at work has an excursion (not a 2010) on 22's in which I showed him yours on 26's and the tucking picture. Jaw drop lol
weave   +1y

I agree, the way our scene is now we could all use a little support or motivation.  I am one of the ones that usually doesn't post too much, most of the time if I don't have something original to say I just look at whatever and move on.  I will say the level of work being done these days is amazing and I hope we can continue to help each other out one way or another.
danshoods   +1y

I agree, but this isn't anything new, you see it at shows all the time: guys that spend the whole day sitting in a chair behind there truck, never going out seeing what everybody else brought and then raises hell because he didn't win, it appears these people can't see past there own truck.

mjavy7   +1y

Very good point. I remember back in the days everyone would commnet at least on the top 5. Maybe since now they put them at the bottom maybe no one ever see them way down there. here
63on26s   +1y

I'm fairly new to this site "as far as being a member"  and like others mentioned above i visit this site maybe once or twice a day just to sniff around. I try to post as often as it will let me and comment on rides and progress.  By far this is my favorite site to go to but often more times than not i catch myself reading more than voicing my opinion.  I appreciate the food for thought Brad and am going be a little more pro active and less gun shy.  After all it feels a little depressing to have 900 and something views with only 1 comment. 
sicsan   +1y

okcderek   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by sicsanI BEEN ON THIS SITE SINCE 01 AND GOT LIKE 6 COMMENTS TOTAL..  WHO GIVES A FUCK???????? SOUNDS LIKE A BUNCH OF HIGH SCHOOL BULLSHIT--------------------------------------------- Yeah, nothing wrong w/ the comments........but I hardly ever look at my own page. So I wouldnt know if someone did leave a comment.
Something that kinda bothers me is if you do leave a tag or what not asking someone a question and never get a response.

AGREED what happend to those times where you would leave comments on everything? I just stopped because of the same one gives a damn anymore!