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Mini Truckin General \  Make a GOD DAMN comment...

Make a GOD DAMN comment...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 490
replies 30
following 27
switchhittin96   +1y
You never know someone might be on the verge of giving up on a %90 completed (if they ever are lol) truck and your comment might keep them going on it.
mjavy7   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by FCKNLOWSomething that kinda bothers me is if you do leave a tag or what not asking someone a question and never get a response. ---------------------------------------------I typically write the person an IM or like last week an email. Those you get on a dayly basis or at least weekly.If your question is very important or you just need and answer just write that menber an IM. You will get a notification when you log in. If you just leave a comment on the profile it might be seen a while later sometime way too late. I am one of them, I do not check my own profile on a daily basis, but I do comment on others every day. 
msturg   +1y
I never look at my own page, so leaving a question or comment doesn't really do anything for me.  Perhaps if the site notified you of new comments people would use them more often, almost like a PM but for everyone to see
mjavy7   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by sicsanI BEEN ON THIS SITE SINCE 01 AND GOT LIKE 6 COMMENTS TOTAL..  WHO GIVES A FUCK???????? SOUNDS LIKE A BUNCH OF HIGH SCHOOL BULLSHIT---------------------------------------------This place is what YOU make it to be. You get on here start answering forum questions and ppl will visit your profile and drop tags and it's all good. I have deleted over 100 coment on mine in the last 2 years alone. Like I said... it is what you make out of it.
twistedsdime   +1y

I honestly could care less. I mean I know I don't have much of a profile or a bunch of vehicles on my page so maybe that's why I don't have many but I just don't think it's that big of a deal.I hardly even look at my pages either and it's not like you get a notification when a new comment is left so its whatever to me. Guess you can't make everybody happy all the time.
complexdesigns   +1y
"Its nice but would look better with 20'z"  How exactly is that an inspiring comment?  If this was from anyone else I might take it to heart but this is wha I would imagine 2/3's of your comments have been.
relaxednoma   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by complexdesigns"Its nice but would look better with 20'z"  How exactly is that an inspiring comment?  If this was from anyone else I might take it to heart but this is wha I would imagine 2/3's of your comments have been. ---------------------------------------------   Well something like that either makes you think, well maybe it would, or you think yourself, thats their opinion, and mine is I like it with whats on it. I think a major misconception nowadays is trying to make everyone ELSE like your ride, when in reality, I follow the, I built it for myself and nobody else. I'm the one that washes it, drives it and plans the next series of mods. I've been hearing for years, man your truck would look great with some 20's. And I'm sure it would look fantastic with some 20 inch Intro's all around, but that's not what I want on it. If folks would realize it's THEIR truck and nobody else's.
sjudd86   +1y

Ive been on here since 02 and I personally feel that the website has changed as well.  When I first signed up, street source was like a Minitruckers Myspace. Now its more about reading and learning from the forumns.  I agree with some of you about leaving comments, It gives a little bit more inspiration, but to me; this website is about the information you get from others which makes your ride better.  I dont update my page, shit I probably havent check it in over a year.  Maybe we need to comments more like you said; good topic.  BRING THE TOP 5 BACK UP TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE YO!

22below   +1y
Well I am very glad to see that I am not the only one seeing it this way. It is a way to motivate.I guess I never thought someone would put a profile on here and not check the comments.I try to get back to everyone who makes a comment, and write back and stay in touch with their build.I think it creates friendly bonds in the "scene", and makes us more of a community that stays in touch and gets along. 
Jance Customs   +1y

I see your point Brad but I don't think it's anything to really worry about. I hardly ever check my profile because I have barely made any updates. Some people have so many comments already saying the same thing over and over, and then some people have sold their truck or gotten a new profile so at times it's hard to keep things straight. I usually make my updates on Myspace and post a bulletin about something that I'm trying to sell. I will always get at least one person that sends me a message telling me "i wish I had the money to buy that." Thanks for the comment but it doesn't do anything for me. It's like on facebook when someone leaves you a birthday wish. Am I expected to leave everyone a personal thank you on their page that wished me happy birthday? LOL If I want a direct response from the person I just send them an instant message.