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South East \  VA beach/ Hampton Roads

VA beach/ Hampton Roads

South East Regional
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chumpchange   +1y
   Will b movin back to VA Beach this coming summer just wondered if there is any minis around now  i lived there from 2000-20005 and there were really no minis or trucks.  i no VA sux for customs before everyone starts saying that again i had one impounded there but was curious if there is a mini scene at all now or if the cops have loosened up over the years.
Superman83   +1y

i know here in fredericksburg/spotsylvania area we got some minitruckers riding around....pretty sure got some riding down in the beach
sjudd86   +1y

brandon we are about 35 mins away in elizabeth city. Im a cop if that helps with your question. haha
twistedsdime   +1y

Actually I thought that time period had alot more mini's then it does now. So guess that ain't saying much for now huh?
deflatd   +1y
Edited: 9/30/2009 12:03:23 AM by drgn bdy

theres stuff around. just gotta find it.  also cops seem to be hit or miss latley. lots of them seem to have eased up but its really unpredictable on the cop and the location.
drkyota24   +1y
yo brandon. long time no see. hows it been going? heard you were headed back down to the area. minis are still down here. seemed to be more around then then there are now. They are here. just have to know where to look and who to talk to. The cops are a hit and miss. The closer to the oceanfront you get the bigger the asses they seem to get but that is just in my opinion. I know longer have the yota. The user above me brother has it. Kind of a longer story with that but i know its good hands. You should hit me up sometime. I hope all is well with the family.   abe
weave   +1y

try,   pretty slow lately but there area few guys
cnsparx   +1y

When u do move here will you drop the dually off at my house???? Is there still an Acro Va chapter???
chumpchange   +1y

good to hear fellas, i will more than likely be bringin the dually with me as far as acro i have no idea i left acro a few years ago and joined up with ///the nations finest.  I remember the fore play guys havent seen or heard from u guys in forever and abe man awesome to hear from u i figured u would be gone from there by now.  hope to meat up with u guys down there get some cruise ins and runs to the big shows together.  now someone find me a house with a garage to rent and ill b back in business in VA hhahahaah 
cainrzr   +1y

...everybody i know in VA with a truck or 3 is in the middle of builds or tear downs....or they have enough sense not to drive it too much and get "marked" by the cops....there are plenty of us hangin' around in VA and traveling to shows...