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West \  Northwest shop?

Northwest shop?

West Regional
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FABLAB   +1y
Edited: 12/17/2009 7:26:56 PM by FABLAB

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by davaflavEdited: 12/16/2009 10:38:49 PM by davaflavup here i see more shady work come from shops then i do people that are passionate about it and do it in their garage. ive seen some of jays work. and ive fixed some of jays work. and just because someone owns a shop doesnt mean its gonna get done right or that youll even get your money back if they fuck it up or fix it if your lucky. but obviously if they fucked it up would you really want them to fix it. loli do a lot of work. and ive been told its pretty decent.and like most i do it cheap because of the fact that i dont own a shop and i do it in my spare time. i do it because i like doing it not because it makes money. becuase it really doesnt make you any money. ---------------------------------------------

You need to learn who to talk shit about and who you really don't want to. You can't find someone to tell you my work is shady or that I am a jerk. I am constantly helping people for free with work that I didn't even do. You don't know me, trust me I am one of the good guys in the industry. I could name shops and individuals that are hackers but the truth is it will do me no good to name them it's just drama. I fix EVERY issue that comes up with customer cars, I have fixed shit Chip Foose has built, what does that mean????? FUCKING NOTHING!!! Remember I do this to LIVE, This is my passion,  my work has to be good or I'm homeless. If you where smart you would take my name out of your post, my name and the word shady do not belong in the same sentence.  It only took me a few times to learn that talking shit really just made me look stupid, you will understand that eventually. Let your work do the talking for you.
sitnprti   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by FABLAB Edited: 12/17/2009 7:26:56 PM by FABLAB --------------------------------------------- Originally posted by davaflav Edited: 12/16/2009 10:38:49 PM by davaflav up here i see more shady work come from shops then i do people that are passionate about it and do it in their garage. ive seen some of jays work. and ive fixed some of jays work. and just because someone owns a shop doesnt mean its gonna get done right or that youll even get your money back if they fuck it up or fix it if your lucky. but obviously if they fucked it up would you really want them to fix it. lol i do a lot of work. and ive been told its pretty decent. and like most i do it cheap because of the fact that i dont own a shop and i do it in my spare time. i do it because i like doing it not because it makes money. becuase it really doesnt make you any money. ---------------------------------------------

You need to learn who to talk shit about and who you really don't want to. You can't find someone to tell you my work is shady or that I am a jerk. I am constantly helping people for free with work that I didn't even do. You don't know me, trust me I am one of the good guys in the industry. I could name shops and individuals that are hackers but the truth is it will do me no good to name them it's just drama. I fix EVERY issue that comes up with customer cars, I have fixed shit Chip Foose has built, what does that mean????? FUCKING NOTHING!!! Remember I do this to LIVE, This is my passion,  my work has to be good or I'm homeless. If you where smart you would take my name out of your post, my name and the word shady do not belong in the same sentence.   It only took me a few times to learn that talking shit really just made me look stupid, you will understand that eventually. Let your work do the talking for you. --------------------------------------------- Alright I know both of you guys, and I know for a God Given Fact......Jay does incredible work. He has gone out of his way to help myself and other club members with issues that had nothing to do with him, just because he is a good guy. I think Dave is WAYYYYYYYYY outta line talking about Jay. Dave you're a cool guy, but I've never seen Jay do BS work. If you fixed someone's ride that said Jay did it, I think they are bullshitting you. Both you guys are cool...Let's not talk shit about guys who do good in the scene.
davaflav   +1y
Edited: 12/17/2009 10:12:16 PM by davaflav

Edited: 12/17/2009 10:08:41 PM by davaflavlike i told shawn i wasnt talking shit just trying to say that just because a shop does it doesnt mean it will be perfect. everybody has work that has failed and needs to be fixed. no one is perfect. remember these trucks are maint. hogs and shit happens.sorry if i pissed anyone off it just came out the wrong way. your right after i re read it, it did sound  like a fucked up thing to say.besides it was just some wiring that came loose and was causing a lot of wierd issues lol nothing really broken shady was in the first sent. yours was the second.if i ever meet you ill buy a couple beers for the mishaps
redcrew   +1y

leftsyder   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by hulsey11Im down to go wherever I have to. I just want the work done right and for decent money. I can have the guy I know here do it, but having just some guy do it in his garage is always a lil sketchy. Gettin a brand new truck and having someone mess up the frame or some shit is not something I want to have happen. I figure a shop would have some contract that if they mess it up they'll fix it. not too sure though. I want to stock floor bd it and full air ride. maybe some body work and paint as well. all depends on my funds and the cost of everything. damn it would just be nice to have a sponsor lol.---------------------------------------------I totally understand your worry about having something brand new and not wanting issues , I couldnt drive mine after major modifacation with less then 3000 miles on it. With your build I would suggest doing some reserch on who has built new body chevs. That have already tackled the issues. if your going to sink 20 grand plus  into buying it , it might be worth driving it to a shop that has done what you want weather in be Northwest of even cali,texas where ever.  Also taking it to a "shop" is going to cost more , the overhead is way higher the the dude in his garage. eather way I have seen really cool stuff built out of the garage from a regular guy. And if it matters Ive never seen anything bad out of Jay heard nothing but good things might be a good place to start.Good luck on the build,Ron
mazberrydelight   +1y

ive been reading this thread for awhile now and didnt really know what to post until now. i will always build out of my garage and have zero desire to have a licenced/fulltime shop, for 3 reasons. #1 theres not enuff money in it . ie. minitruckers in general are cheap mofos. and #2. i'd end up beating up a stupid customer oneday. ie, just cauise a guys seen it done on a tv show doesnt give him the knowledge to tell me how to do my job. , and #3, i genuine just love building trucks/cars, ive lost money over the years just trying to help guys out, and i dont mind atall aslong as their grateful.  look around and see who comes highly recomended, look at the work they've done and the stuff their currently building , then make a decision.Devin   +1y
there is a shop in port angeles wa called alejo customs they are pretty new but seem to have it together