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Under Construction \  71 Datsun Rocker Layer named Ethel

71 Datsun Rocker Layer named Ethel

Under Construction General Discussions
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replies 70
following 46
TwistedMinis   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by lwrthnu07Man! Hell of a build! I must say you have crazy determination! But hey, we all need to be like that to keep this industry goin! But hey man, im a huge fan of your beautiful work! What MIG welder are you using if you dont mind my asking?--------------------------------------------- I have a Lincoln 215 and he has a Miller 210. We have used a bit of both on this truck, as well as my Lincoln Precision TIG 225.
chriscouto   +1y

its shops and people like this one that keep our sport growing seth you do great work and im glad that your a sponser for earthday 2010 i hope to see some more of your rides cause they are badass
SoDakminis   +1y

any idea why the tranny burnt up.??   some neat ideas...i really  like it
idrgbdy   +1y

what a rebuild. looks badass guys! love the way it looks now! everything happens for a reason. and now it's just built better!
dajizz   +1y

DANG! I didn't realize it was in two wrecks! But it's looking hella sick!  I just me luv me some Datsuns!
shavedmax   +1y

hopefully your bad luck has run out,  it looks like it made a good comeback
stockfloored85   +1y

wow, very cool, like the fast fix after the wreck..
TwistedMinis   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by chriscouto its shops and people like this one that keep our sport growing seth you do great work and im glad that your a sponser for earthday 2010 i hope to see some more of your rides cause they are badass--------------------------------------------- Thanks Chris. Hopefully I will have something cool to bring out that day. Did you guys get my check? It hasn't come out of my account yet.    ---------------------------------------------Originally posted by SoDakminisany idea why the tranny burnt up.??   some neat ideas...i really  like it--------------------------------------------- I'm not entirely convinced it burned up, because he is still driving it around and it seems to be working. But it was incredibly low on oil on his trip down to Bakersfield. And he has changed the oil several times since, we even changed it yesterday at the shop, and have found a good amount of metal shavings in it.
fatboysS1O   +1y
Jerome, being that u bought this truck just for a commuter and had no intentions of cutting it up and making it the badass truck it is now, plus u werent into minitrucks before and now ur the owner of a TM built whoopass mini named Ethel u should be awarded "Rookie Minitrucker of the Year" or something. not to mention all the bad luck and repair work youve done to it yourself and still manage to get it to shows and get it in 2 mags!
TwistedMinis   +1y
Here's a couple shots from yesterday after we changed the oil.  
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