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Mini Truckin General \  Bob Hase needs your help Please Read

Bob Hase needs your help Please Read

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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following 45
SSM-BobHase   +1y
Edited: 10/21/2009 7:09:10 PM by SSM-BobHase

Edited: 10/21/2009 3:25:57 PM by SSM-WebMaster 

This is every important that you read this Saturday the 15th of October I meet a young 3 month old girl that inspired me. Her name is Makenzee and she really needs our help. If I could get all of you that use this site to just donate a Dollar Makenzee could get what she needs to start on her way to a normal life. We can raise the $6,000 she needs for the shells for her head to protect her head after her surgery. There are two ways you can help one by paying a payment to Makenzee’s pay pal or on November 15th they are having a benefit car show at the Foster freeze in San Diego the address is below. So if you can show up to the show or donate it would be appreciated. This family is part of our Mini Truckers family and they need our help.



If you go to the website you will find links to more information about Craniosynostosis.  


Here’s the email code for paypal


We are doing a fundraiser for our three-month-old daughter, Makenzee.  She has Craniosynostosis, which requires surgical correction and the use of a Doc Band post operation.  This band will correct the formation of her head to make it look as “normal” as possible.  Our insurance will cover the cost of the surgery and the bands.  Unfortunately, the doctors performing the surgery and patients that have used them, do not recommend the company that our insurance covers.  Since our child’s physical appearance is on the line we want the best for her.  We have decided to go with the other company that is not covered by insurance, thus making us cash pay patients.  We need to fundraise about $6,000 to cover the cost of two helmets for her.  She will wear these helmets for up to 6 months after the surgery.  


 Here is the location


A benefit fundraiser for Makenzee Tuosto





City:________________________________ State:___________ Zip:________________

Driver License #:_____________________________ State:_______________________


Vehicle Make:__________________ Model:_____________________ Year:_________

Rules and Regulations for Entry: For my safety no alcohol, drugs or
weapons are allowed on the property. Elizabeth and Joe Tuosto, CNJ
Events, Foster’s Freeze and anyone affiliated with this show are not
liable for any accident, damages, and/or theft on or off venue property
to my physical body or my vehicle. Entry into this show is at my own
risk and I assume all liability.


Drivers Signature:_______________________________________ Date:_____________

Please mail $20 registration fee and your registration form to:

                Elizabeth Tuosto

PO Box 20085    

                El Cajon, CA 92021

Registration also available the day of the show









98lows10   +1y
I was talking to Alex on the phone last night for a bit about this show. I am going to get some things together to send Cheeks for this event.  It is great what you guys are doing for this little girl. 
Tow Me   +1y
I sent in a donation. If those helmets are reusable, they should be passed onto another child in need. Good luck!
tre5   +1y

Donation Sent. My little brother had to wear a helmet for a while when he was little. He is now a completely normal 7 year old.
///RELAXED 720   +1y
Donation sent......
menace   +1y

Donation sent, I hope others also put forth effort to help out for this cause.
cheda_cheese   +1y

Donation sent, Come on people
SSM-BobHase   +1y
I want to personally thank everyone who has help support this fund raiser I know that times are tuff right now with money but we have a long way to go before we hit our goal. Please supprt Makenzze.
lowdime904   +1y
i dont normally post but ill use one to let ya know u got my support n i will be sending a nice lil donation as soon as my funds level out in the bank acct
Layumon22s   +1y
didn't have a lot but something is better than nothing