Edited: 5/21/2010 6:09:45 PM by detroitstyle
Nikon D50, CPL, on board flash and a garage door opener light, free hand, right off the camera. EXIF Sub IFD * Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) = 1/15 second ===> 0.06667 second * Lens F-Number / F-Stop = 8/1 ===> ƒ/8 * ISO Speed Ratings = 200 * Original Date/Time = 2010:04:08 20:46:42 * Shutter Speed Value (APEX) = 3906891/1000000 Shutter Speed (Exposure Time) = 1/15 second * Aperture Value (APEX) = 6/1 Aperture = ƒ/8 * Flash = Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected * Focal Length = 180/10 mm ===> 18 mm