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Build-Ups \  square body ranger bodied on 22s

square body ranger bodied on 22s

Build-Ups General Discussions
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aa taco chris   +1y

sick build!! keep it up can't wait to see it come together...
ptman2002   +1y

this thing is looking good.  man i love those colors.  that red is really gonna pop with that silver.
tre5   +1y

I feel your pain...
gpc duallac   +1y
Vey nice build man! Keep the pics coming.
puddin06   +1y

looks sweet...nice build
idrgbdy   +1y
i like the red a lot! crazy build man!
tacomaon24s   +1y
well the ranger went to the art of noize show. i had to push it in the show it is not running yet but should be soon enough. i want to thank all thert of noize guys and hydroholics for giving me a reason to get it done. anyways thanks alot and here are a few pics of it from the show yes thats me and cody gephart hahahaha called you out.
post photo
post photo

AON-4PumpedCL   +1y
Everyone was talking about this truck at the show. Looks amazing! Certainly worthy of the 'best engineered' award it received at the show.

Can't wait to go for a ride in this lil fucker. Def going to be crazy when the turbo is in and everything dialed in.