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Ford Trucks \  I-Beam Front end ?

I-Beam Front end ?

Ford Trucks Make Specific
views 1255
replies 21
following 16
xtremeranger   +1y
They didnt stop i beams in 97 it was 98.  They still had ibeams in 97.  Raise the tranyy xmember and radius arms i think u should be fine especially if its the 2.3 w the oil pan i had no problem on my old ranger
tre5   +1y

I beams in 97. No i beams in 98.
jaredmxg   +1y
Thanks guys. like I was saying, I talked to him on the phone and ask exactly why he wanted it done, and there was no real answer. He has just been told that is what he needs to make it lay even. I will take  a good look at it and hopefully not have to do any major work.
tucn1ton   +1y

you need to rasie the trans x member and radius arms x member .iv got a few if yo u need any.. just pm me.. 
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
It could be that his front bag mounts are set up wrong or something. But you don't need to Z those trucks. Another things about those rangers, when they are laid out you see a lot of them leaning towards the back. the issue is that section of frame that actually lays is so short, that if the notch is too big, the truck will actually lean backwards, lifting the front a bit in the process. best thing to do is set it where the rails are laying flat under the cab, and set up bumpstops to stop it from leaning back any further. 
jaredmxg   +1y
Got ya, so your saying they have a tendency to pivot towards the rear.
tuckinlugs06   +1y

yea thats how rangers can drag body on the bed without a bodydrop
bodydropped85   +1y

thats from over notching them. the engine cross member does hang down below the frame, but you dont notice it since the bottom of the frame isnt flat.
slammedxonair   +1y
Everytime I bag a ranger, I lay it out flat (use jackstands under the back of the frame) and then setup the bag mounts so the bags are fully collapsed when its flat, this will keep it from leaning in the rear. You can lay 20s on the front of an ibeamer with work and not have to Z the frame. Like mentioned before in order to lay a 98+ flat you will need to do a Z. If you have any questions on brackets, crossmembers or anything shoot me an email to 
Billz Kustomz   +1y
my truck doesnt lean bodydropped