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South West \  Phoenix Az cruise or meet...

Phoenix Az cruise or meet...

South West Regional
views 6414
replies 168
following 48
BK2LIFE   +1y
im goin to cruise up there tonight and check it out.  if any one wants to join me..
Bumpin this for 83rd Ave tonight.
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

I'll be there.  Any specific time called out yet?
1lowrngr   +1y

yeah is this out at that safe way casue if so then im gana cruise out so please let me know
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

i'm thinking about 7:00PM?
BK2LIFE   +1y
7 sounds good. i might be there, might not, depending how the paint gods treat me tonight..
1lowrngr   +1y

alright 7 oclock it is my trucks nothing special but its gana be good to see some minis il be there for sure
hitncry   +1y
7 is too late. We're going between 5:30 and 6:00. When you show up later everyone complains that no one's there. Usually because the classics have already started leaving. We're going to go earlier this week and grab some dinner over there. See you guys there!
I'm only about 15 mins away and was planning on leaving about 6.
tre5   +1y

A couple of us are going to go, but getting dinner at 6 right up the street.