lost cause
Edited: 2/13/2010 8:23:00 AM by lost cause
Ok now, where were we....lol..
Next everything was untaped......I left some of the blue fineline taped to keep track of the design before I start airbrushing the shadows.
Then i could remove the rest of the fineline........
Here you can see what a difference just a little shading makes...
Now before I laid down any pinstriping, I covered the entire car with 2 coats of a "micro prizmatique" mixed in some DBC500 (which is a clear base binder) to give it a one of a kind sparkle that will hit every spectrum of the rainbow.....girls love this shit lol
Now I could start pinstriping this thing
I started with the stars, and striped them in a custom mixed baby blue color
Next I outlined the silver flames with a brighter blue, silmilar to the color of fineline tape.....
Slowly but surely it's coming together....just one more color to pinstripe
And it all comes together with the final pinstriping,...and the white highlights.
And finaly....finaly it's time to lay down some clear coat
I'll try to finish this thread asap guys
Thanks again,"Lost Cause"