Edited: 3/18/2010 4:26:48 PM by CLNSHVNnDRAGGN
From my own experience after playing with both Nikon's and Canon's (which was what I was set on before playing with Nikon's) the Nikon's menu and settings are easier to navigate. Also, with Nikon's you can use just about any Nikon lens made from 1959 to now on any of their bodies. With Canon's, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, from what I've been told not all the lenses are compatible with all Canon cameras. If you go with a cheaper Canon now and decide to upgrade to a better body later on chances are you'll be needing all new lenses. One downfall with Nikon's is their lower end bodies, including the D5000 you asked about, won't auto-focus all lenses. For the price of that D5000 I would recommend trying to find a used D80 with an 18-135 kit lens to get you started and spend the extra money you save on 50mm f/1.8 lens. ETA: Just looked at B&H and they have a 9 rated used D80 body, 9 rated 18-135mm used lens, and a new 50mm f/1.8 with shipping to the town you have listed for $762.80.