So here it goes. My buddy has a bagged red frontier, that his girlfriend bought for him(the bill of sale is in her name, but the title is in his name). They broke up, and she called a tow company and had the truck towed to get back at him. She wont tell him where she had it towed to. She sent him a F-U type of picture with it on the bed of a tow truck.... He wasnt able to get the name off the tow truck, but he got the liscence plate number and the last of the phone number. The Liscence plate is CD-52176, and the phone number is ***-2429. He has already called the cops, but they said they will have someone 'investigate it', and that was 2 days ago... any help would be appreciated. He just needs to know what company towed it so he can show them the title to get his truck back. Thanks for any help!