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Mini Truckin General \  Does anybody remember getting ripped off from Barn Yard customs?

Does anybody remember getting ripped off from Barn Yard customs?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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GraphicDisorder   +1y
Edited: 4/18/2010 8:22:34 AM by SSM-Brandt

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by mike91yotaIf this was a thread about anyone who remembered being ripped off by joe morrow it would be deleted already. But someone said the moderators arent bias!---------------------------------------------Probably didn't cross your mind im sure but mods cant live in every thread and we do have to sleep at some point you know.  Instead you fabricate from thin air like you have even a slight clue about what you are talking about.   Instead of crying about no action on a topic why not PM a moderator to be sure they seen it, you haven't because you'd rather "claim" a biased is the reason.  To assume we have seen it already is at best a assumption on your part.  The last time I viewed this topic there was no problems.  Obviously there are now and it will be cleaned. 
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GraphicDisorder   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by mike91yotaIf this was a thread about anyone who remembered being ripped off by joe morrow it would be deleted already. But someone said the moderators arent bias!---------------------------------------------Here is a 47 page thread with many people posting that they were "ripped off".  If they did it in a mature way it wasn't removed.  If they couldn't leave the name calling and insults and such out of the post then that was removed.  Many people were able to post there findings, good and bad.  I know you over look things like this, there are dozens of threads like this by the way.  You are one of those people that only see things the way you "want" to see them rather than how they "are". So Mike, what now, I thought you said we delete all stuff like that.  Have you ever done a search on SSM for AIM, take a look sometime, there is a lot of things left unremoved.  Your post holds no water.  ANY future concerns you have with SSM and its moderating of threads you can directly contact us via PM or email.
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fabricationnation   +1y
Edited: 4/18/2010 10:32:24 AM by fabricationnation

Ok lets start at the beginning. first is the FACT that BYC closed, the fact is that the owner of the building locked the doors with all the equipment and everything inside. so effectively BYC had no way of making parts as of April something 2006. DHP opened back up in January of 2008. There was hardly any equipment yet but immediately old BYC customers were contacted.  why werent everyone contacted? because all the paperwork, computer and everything was in the BYC office.   zack who posted last night saying the email and phone numbers for DHP dont work and even added "imagine that"  and as almost everyone knows thats completely false. The same email address he used later last night to email DHP and his email was returned from the blackberry used for the phone number on the website. so now what zack? you going to come back on here and tell the truth? navigangsta your completely wrong. whats "hilariuous" to you is not to others. your friends made the wrong choice. They should have decided to not "write it off as a bad investment" and just have a little faith that they would have their deals made right. plus the customers could not be contacted due to all the contact info was in the BYC shop and on the BYC computer also, theres not "chasing from shop to shop" BYC closed, DHP opened, its a simple situation of having to close due to being locked out of a building, not running. If it were a case of running there would be no DHP. so your opinion is incorrect. Your friends who never got parts, if they really exist should make contact. cant hurt can it?    look for an update on the BYC page of the website for a completely new idea for old customers. This page will be up in a matter of minutes. peace
GraphicDisorder   +1y
I am going to talk with Kris and Bob about letting Mike have a single thread, where you guys can post what your missing and Mike can work on correcting it.  This will be 100% expected to be for the better of BOTH parties, the customer and Mike.  This will NOT be a thread for Mike to advertise ANY new products with his new venture.  He will not be allowed to do that as long as we see customers here saying they still lack parts and can prove it.  It is my belief that not everyone is telling the truth on EITHER side, same time I know some people are telling the truth and its damn past time they get made whole.     I will update this thread.   In the mean time I am going to lock the thread short term.