Just to show you guys what i mean... This is the largest copy of an old MT magazine i could find to reference too, and this is the trace that i was able to extract from Lucky's back window decal.... Now i know everyone may not be as picky as i am, but i'm picky, lol.... Now the M is totally off, the T doesn't extend out far enough, the R got hamburgered, the C is pointing down a little bit, the N is way off, and the ' is way too small.... Again i know some may say, "Well mr. graphic designer, why not go in there and fix that stuff?" as easy as that sounds, and it's possible, but it still won't be 100% accurate, it'll be MY version of the original... I want all the jaged edges to be the same, all the angles, sizes, shadows, and everything to be exact and i can't get that exact when i'm looking at an image that's only 400px @72dpi... So if anyone can help a brother out and get me a HIGH RESOLUTION scan or photo of an original mag that would be awesome!! i'll send you over a few decals for you help. THANKS GUYS!