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Mini Truckin General \  Funds


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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kaoss   +1y

You need to look into the Dave Ramsey baby steps. It'll completly change your life. Get the book "The Total Money Make Over" it's on sale for $10 on
LayNLow93Chevy   +1y

Thanks for the replies guys. I'm really against getting into anymore debt. Already have a house, truck, and ATV. My wife is about to be a nurse in August, and we will have a lot more extra money then, but it just sucks all the things I need are BIG $ items lol. I got a loan to get my wheels when I was 16, and  I was lucky enought for my dad to help me out with the bags and paint back when I was in high school. Thanks for the info.
idrgbdy   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by KAOSSYou need to look into the Dave Ramsey baby steps. It'll completly change your life. Get the book "The Total Money Make Over" it's on sale for $10 on --------------------------------------------- i think i'm gonna pay the $15 and download the .mp3 tonight. thanks. lol
NorthwestS   +1y

Took me a little over three years this last build.  Did all the work myself except cover the seats and the airbrush work.  Key is make a plan and stick to it no matter what changes happen in the scene.  Buy a little where you can and eventually you will be done and sittin there going geez wish I had something to do to the truck.
idrgbdy   +1y
^^^ i agree. not having a plan makes you spend twice, three times, maybe four times as much money with all the extra rebuilds. stick to the plan, build it, enjoy it, then move on to your next project or keep that one for a long time. or buy something that is pretty much exactly what you want and just needs some finishing touches. that will save a lot of money.
BabyYouWish   +1y
I agree with most people on here, going into debt for something thats not necessary is a bad idea.

Most people who know me KNOW how tight I am with money. I don't buy things I don't need, I haven't taken a vacation in 8 years and if I see a dime or nickel on the ground, I'm going to pick it up!

Downtime Matts money saving tips:

1. STOP GOING TO THE BAR! Drinking at home with friends can be just as fun and a WHOLE LOT CHEAPER!

2. STOP GOING OUT TO EAT! Preparing meals at home is cheaper and not to mention healthier. If you do go out to eat, lunch portions are always cheaper and drinking water will save you $2 everywhere.

3. When going to shows, find 3-4 friends and split a room! The more ways you split the room the cheaper it is. AND PRE-REGISTER if you know you are going to a show! It may only be $5 saved, but hell, $5 is $5

4. Pack drinks, a lunch and snacks for shows. Theres no shame in bringing your own water/soda/chips/sandwiches etc. to shows. Especially if you are feeding a family!

5. Start a bank account just for the truck. Put in whatever you can comfortably afford and not miss. Maybe its $25 a week, maybe its more, but just let it build and try not to touch it.

6. Get a 5-Gallon water jug for all of your change. This is money you will usually not miss at all, but every day when you come home from work or back from a show or wherever, just dump your change into it. Cash it in when you get to a certain level or once a year. DON'T use a coinstar, they take 10 cents on the dollar!!! When you're sitting on the couch vegging out watching TV at night, just roll it. Last year I had over $500 in just change.

6.5 Also while you're watching TV, why not go through the Sunday paper and clip coupons? There are always coupons for food items, deodorant, razor blades and other necessities.

7. Basic Cable.. who needs 700 channels?

8. Stop buying unnecessary things. A new pair of shoes may be nice, but are the old ones still decent? If you do buy a new pair of shoes, think of them as an investment, see how long you can keep them scuff/mark-free. I've had shoes for 2 years that still look brand new. I only wear them when I need to.

Yes. This whole list is overboard, but its how I live my life. I work VERY HARD for my money and $5 in my pocket is better then in someone elses. Some people think I'm stingy or greedy or whatever, but I bought and built my truck and never once went into debt.
laidout94toy   +1y

Insurance accidents and tax season! Most recent is when some herion addict ran through my garage and smashed my truck. Got a new skin, shortened the bed and a chop top out of it!I am lucky enough that I make good money so i can throw a couple grand a month into it if needed.Some of my other buddies cant afford to take it to a shop so they do everything in their garage even paint.   
Marcos_65   +1y I sold one of my kids too
still_2_hi   +1y

I steal money from orphans... instead of the charity giving them the money I intercept it, after the media is done i swoop in and use it all on my truck, and the occasional hooker.  But in all seriousness, Downtime Matt has it nailed. My dad always told me its not all about how much money you make, but how much you can save. Buying things only on sale at the grocery store, not going out all the time, and eating at home is HUGE. I used to drink alot, and i didn't have any money for the truck, once i stopped spending every weekend in a bar i just watched my account grow pretty much. Live simply and within your means and you will be surprised where that gets you. DON'T take out a loan for it. Because you will do more and more mods while still having that loan payment every month.
BabyYouWish   +1y
I disagree on some points HockeyMan... I have seen SOME rat-rods that are just hunks of shit thrown together and people call them "Rats" because they can't afford to do it properly.

Customizing cars and trucks isn't cheap and too often people go about it the wrong way and end up with vehicles that are unsafe! You gotta pay to play. Yes, chances are you won't see a shop-built cover truck that has been built for under $20,000 but if you're doing the work yourself or with friends, I guarantee it can be done! It all depends on how you go about building your truck.