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South West Regional
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Lowest fuckin datsun   +1y
    There is a cop that runs 35th ave. watch out for this guy. lol. this is a quote from him, had a passenger to verify. "I have seen you many times but every time i have been busy, i have wanted to pencil fuck you bad"  Too bad i didn't have a spy camera. could have been a sexual harassment case. even though thats not how he ment it.
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dailydraggn   +1y
gotta pay to play
simple-pleasurez   +1y
 i thought i was the only one to get a lic plate too low ticket. got it signed off. told chp i was hauling my pool table and i had blown shocks lol, 
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mike86mazda   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Lowest fuckin datsun         There is a cop that runs 35th ave. watch out for this guy. lol. this is a quote from him, had a passenger to verify. "I have seen you many times but every time i have been busy, i have wanted to pencil fuck you bad"  Too bad i didn't have a spy camera. could have been a sexual harassment case. even though thats not how he ment it. --------------------------------------------- ahhahahahaha Pencil fuck.. thats awesome!
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azdragginsoon   +1y

good stuff to know thanks man
Lowest fuckin datsun   +1y
plexi windshields don't fly to well either with them!      but she was a good sport and really liked my sticker LOL!   
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still_2_hi   +1y

does anyone else see the irony... pencil fuck, and then you have a box on your tickets that say ARS

h8rstyle   +1y
Edited: 1/10/2011 7:54:34 PM by h8rstyle

Edited: 1/10/2011 7:53:37 PM by h8rstyle

Got hit up by a bike cop leaving Hooters on 83rd and Bell last year about the plate thing being too low, so I went ahead and shave d the rear bumper and got me one of these Law Enforcement plates lol lets see how long i can pull it off on my dashboard. Hoping to have a good license plate bracket by the AofN show so i can be all legal :)
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jetts   +1y
got a license plate too low ticket before and improperly displayed plate one... fuck it, hundred bucks and move on with my life
n2bnlow   +1y
You guys are lucky you live in Az., and not Cali. The laws here are meant to curb customization. Probably cuz it confuses the stupid cops. Had one say "Duuh,...where's yer handles?" I told him, in a box in my shed. He just looked at me blankly. Got pulled over for window tint with all of my windows down. They'd been down for 3 hours. Got pulled over for window tint, stopped traffic. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Actually had to wait for traffic to move to get to the curb. He said, " nice truck, license and registration...". I don't even try to talk my way out of tickets anymore. I'd rather pay the fine than lower my IQ by talking to these puds. Not all cops suck. Just most of them.:XL::XL:

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