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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  97 4 door honda bagging

97 4 door honda bagging

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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deerslayer706   +1y
I changed to not makeing it lay becuz it really was'nt a major factor..just what i wanted at the time..Work isnt the issue...or laying...Allready got 2 trucks layin body on 20's + --..Cars bagged are not as common from where im at...Plus..Driving these vechiles on bigger wheels is a pain,when ur trying to drive it daily...Just didnt know what a pain in the ass it is to have a car "lay out on 20s".. we in the south..pick-up trucks
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by dropped00civic---------------------------------------------Originally posted by tre5"Do not do juice".... that's funny. The car will buckle? Maybe if YOU juiced it it would, lol. Doing hydraulics is no different than bagging it when you are talking about a car folding in half. The benifits of hydraulics on a car far surpass bags. I don't want to get into a debate about it, but it will ride better, lift more, and be more reliable with hydraulics, PERIOD! You're right, it's not a 64 impala, so don't juice it like one. Don't put 10 batteries in the back and run 3 ton hopping coils. Run 2 batteries and no springs, just accumulators. It will ride like a stock car. The other thing that no one is telling you is that drop spindles won't work with 20's. Go look at the room between your tire and the upper control arm ball joint nut on the spindle. Now put on larger wheels and shorten the height of the spindle.... it doesn't work, does it? The best way I have seen it done was on a white one out here at our show 2 years ago. He did the whole tubular sub frame in the front, made new upper arms, but instead of bolting to the ball joint taper on the spindle he made a mount on the factory spindle that had tabs off the back side of the spindle and mounted the upper arm there with a heim. O yeah, it was juiced as well. Didn't even buckle in the middle.... go figure---------------------------------------------o yeah let lissen to the place thats SELLS HYDROS, of course hes going to say its the same as bags lol lol lol, ive had hondas buckle in the middle from hydros i know. o and wait i had 2 batteries and yes bags can do the same thing but they are softer and not as stiff, i had cool cars check mine out and they said it was cause but the hydros on A 4 DOOR NON FRAME CAR.   i think ill trust the pros with this one. but thats cool clown if ya want its easy to say shit to people when the car dosent belong to you.. but anyway there was a form on here that had the site for the drop spindles been awhile since i really got on here cause so many people are full of shit. if i find them ill let ya know.--------------------------------------------- Guess I must be the luckiest guy on the planet then because my 90 4 dr Accord with a 38x46 ragtop in it is juiced for the second time that I know of (been switched between air and juice with different owners) and was on a frame rack not long ago and is still perfectly straight.  Hasn't buckled or twisted yet.  Also my 01 4 dr Sentra that's been juiced for 7+ years and is also a "non-frame" car hasn't folded up on me either and anyone that's seen it in person can tell you that car has been cut the fuck up to get it on the ground like it is.  I'm not disputing whether or not you've had a juiced car "buckle" on you but there has to be more to it than you're telling because it just doesn't happen like that.  If so there wouldn't be so many of them around like there is.  As for not wanting to listen to the guys that sell hydros, why wouldn't you?  The Hydroholic/AON guys know more about it than anyone I've ever come across and I would listen to what they have to say before anyone else.  I didn't see one thing in theirs posts saying he should buy anything from them or even mention any of their products.  I'm just gonna leave it at that because I'm not trying to start a "who's got a bigger dick on the internet" argument in this guys thread.
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jucieddime00   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by dropped00civic---------------------------------------------Originally posted by tre5"Do not do juice".... that's funny. The car will buckle? Maybe if YOU juiced it it would, lol. Doing hydraulics is no different than bagging it when you are talking about a car folding in half. The benifits of hydraulics on a car far surpass bags. I don't want to get into a debate about it, but it will ride better, lift more, and be more reliable with hydraulics, PERIOD! You're right, it's not a 64 impala, so don't juice it like one. Don't put 10 batteries in the back and run 3 ton hopping coils. Run 2 batteries and no springs, just accumulators. It will ride like a stock car. The other thing that no one is telling you is that drop spindles won't work with 20's. Go look at the room between your tire and the upper control arm ball joint nut on the spindle. Now put on larger wheels and shorten the height of the spindle.... it doesn't work, does it? The best way I have seen it done was on a white one out here at our show 2 years ago. He did the whole tubular sub frame in the front, made new upper arms, but instead of bolting to the ball joint taper on the spindle he made a mount on the factory spindle that had tabs off the back side of the spindle and mounted the upper arm there with a heim. O yeah, it was juiced as well. Didn't even buckle in the middle.... go figure---------------------------------------------o yeah let lissen to the place thats SELLS HYDROS, of course hes going to say its the same as bags lol lol lol, ive had hondas buckle in the middle from hydros i know. o and wait i had 2 batteries and yes bags can do the same thing but they are softer and not as stiff, i had cool cars check mine out and they said it was cause but the hydros on A 4 DOOR NON FRAME CAR.   i think ill trust the pros with this one. but thats cool clown if ya want its easy to say shit to people when the car dosent belong to you.. but anyway there was a form on here that had the site for the drop spindles been awhile since i really got on here cause so many people are full of shit. if i find them ill let ya know.--------------------------------------------- this guy is joking right? like hes just messing around? cool cars said hydros made your car buckle? maybe cuz your car was a pile! and you tried to 3wheel the dog piss out of it everytime you got in it! really think about this now a unibody car is a hell of alot stronger than a full frame car you ever cut apart a unibody before? not to mention its made out of HSS? and if a car can drive down the road on springs or bags or cans wtf diff. does it make if there juice under it! its all the same shit hydraulics are not any stiffer than a bag granted you dont run them rigid without accumulators  unless you have 5 ton hopping coils in your 2800lb car even then the car doesnt weigh enough alone to buckle itself but i trust you because you spell "forum" form go figure a honda guy knows alot about hondas eh?
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HarryBalls   +1y
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y

Wow, I sure do wish all the ignorance and bad advice could be edited from this post.  It's really scary that some people have absolutely NO idea what they're talking about when they give advice...and people listed to it.  The joys of the internet!  I may be the owner of Hydroholics, but I'm a fan of anything that 's layed out (air or hydros).  I have owned a 97 Accord so I'm pretty familiar with this car.  I like the fact that you're not afraid to do what it takes to lay it out.  However, please don't do air cylinders, stick with conventional bags (unless this is just a showcar, not to be driven regularly).  Notice how you don't see air cylinders around too much anymore?  Matter of fact, not too many places even sell them.  There's a reason for that!  The problem with air cylinders is they have a large diameter and the spindle hits the can (even more so the lower you go), not to mention they are limited on lift and don't ride too great.  A normal bag will be a little more work, but you'll be very happy you put forth the extra effort.  I would simply cut out the front upper strut mount, wheel wells, and build a tubular upper craddle with bags off the upper control arms.  Your strut rods (running diagonally front to back) will hit your alternator pulley at a certain point, so that's where I'd stop. Here is a link to the 4door Accord that Tre5 was talking about (4 pumped and not even buckled! lol)  Best of luck with this build and be sure to post some pictures so people can learn from experienice.   
20runner   +1y
Well, I just sat on here and wrote like 5 paragraphs about this topic and it didn't post..  What a waste of fucking time.........
20runner   +1y
Ha, but THAT did     Here's my points in a nutshell:   NO ONE HAS EVER MADE DROPPED SPINDLES FOR ACCORDS, only civics and integras. And like Tre5 said, the CIVIC dropped spindles hit the tire. You'd have to put 3/4" spacers on your wheels.   AIR CYLINDERS will do more structural damage to your car than bags or hydraulics could ever do.   THE BLUE ACCORD above has the biggest slider that could be put in it, I know, I measured it, ordered it, and installed it. car IS A 4-DOOR and has NEVER BUCKLED. We use to play games back in the day where every turn you take it'd have to be while doing a front 3- wheel. That was 9 YEARS AGO and like he said, has not buckled.   A little something called AN ACCUMULATOR makes a vehicle ride like a dream, and is fully adjustable.   You buckled a Honda on hydraulics with 24 volts????????????  WTF? My Legend, which is STILL BEING DRIVEN AROUND WITH THE SAME HYDRAULIC SETUP I put in it 7 years ago, had 60 VOLTS, would hop the front about 18+ inches on 18's with low pros and would bunny hop all 4 about a foot while driving, NEVER BUCKLED THE ROOF.  4 DOORS AND ALL.   IF the NHTSA catches wind that 4 door cars aren't as strong and safe as a 2 door, by 2012 all cars will only be available as coupes.     I hate to talk shit, but you REALLY have NO IDEA what you are talking about...     
drpitlo   +1y

There was a company making drop spindles for accords at one point in time but stopped due to the lack of sales. I had cylinders on my accord with raised towers, I had 20s and was about 3/4 to 7/8 layin side skirts. Look for a guy named adam (loudciv) he has a sick accord that lays.
tre5   +1y

The only thing I have to add after my first response is that I don't sell hydraulics. I am not employed by Hydroholics, but since they are the best thing to happen to the hydraulics world I will continue to push the living hell out of their sales.
tukn18saccord   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by TOWNLOWHa, but THAT did  Here's my points in a nutshell: NO ONE HAS EVER MADE DROPPED SPINDLES FOR ACCORDS, only civics and integras. And like Tre5 said, the CIVIC dropped spindles hit the tire. You'd have to put 3/4" spacers on your wheels. AIR CYLINDERS will do more structural damage to your car than bags or hydraulics could ever do. THE BLUE ACCORD above has the biggest slider that could be put in it, I know, I measured it, ordered it, and installed it. car IS A 4-DOOR and has NEVER BUCKLED. We use to play games back in the day where every turn you take it'd have to be while doing a front 3- wheel. That was 9 YEARS AGO and like he said, has not buckled. A little something called AN ACCUMULATOR makes a vehicle ride like a dream, and is fully adjustable.  You buckled a Honda on hydraulics with 24 volts????????????  WTF? My Legend, which is STILL BEING DRIVEN AROUND WITH THE SAME HYDRAULIC SETUP I put in it 7 years ago, had 60 VOLTS, would hop the front about 18+ inches on 18's with low pros and would bunny hop all 4 about a foot while driving, NEVER BUCKLED THE ROOF.  4 DOORS AND ALL. IF the NHTSA catches wind that 4 door cars aren't as strong and safe as a 2 door, by 2012 all cars will only be available as coupes.   I hate to talk shit, but you REALLY have NO IDEA what you are talking about...   ---------------------------------------------well thats too bad cause the last i checked all civics integras and accords have the same spindles no difference ive owned them all and have a accord and integra now.  this was my point alot of people on here are full of shit cause you know why the civic is the base model for all of these, damn dude for real dont reply unless you do you research ive built more hondas than years you have been living