Edited: 9/8/2010 1:54:29 PM by DerangedRides
From Winter:
"Little Darling,
Surely we never set out to take away from any other calendar, all of which we support. There are plenty of other calendars who boast the same general concept and help the same group of dogs. People who know The Pit Krewe know that any donations we receive are turned around to bully rescues, shelters or spay/neuter/microchip programs who express need. While bigger groups, such as yourself help out numerous groups that are nationwide and some smaller groups- we try to aid groups that are smaller and more local to places where issues are prevalent. It all helps the same great breed. That is outlined in our Facebook, MySpace page and within the calendar. The font used on our front page of the calendar is a publicly licensed font that alot of designers use regularly, and the cursive on the inside as well. These fonts are not the ones used in your calendar, which I have sitting next to me. Our designer was not aware of your calendar when she designed ours so there's no chance she was influenced on her design. No one to date has gotten our calendar confused with your calendar. They're very different for two very different genres. No where in our calendar do we use forceable collars such as choke collars. The chain you are referring to for the young puppy is indeed used as a tag holding type collar. The puppy is on a halter when being walked. Implying that we would put our puppies or dogs in harms way is very hurtful.
Bottom line, is that we aren't trying to take away from any other calendar and the format of "pit bulls and pinups" being used together is very widespread. Numerous publications, calendars, flyers, events and art use that format and it always be used since it's such a great subject!
We'd rather not further handle such a matter on a public forum, as it will take away from the point of the thread in the first place. I can personally be contacted at pit.
krewe@yahoo.com if there's things to be discussed further. I'm the only one who maintains that email address. I appreciate your concern, but rest assured that our two projects are distinctly set apart from each other, while both helping a cause near and dear to our hearts.
Winter "