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Mini Truckin General \  Body Drop or Body Kit????

Body Drop or Body Kit????

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 2139
replies 19
following 19
tukn22   +1y
i cant believe your serious

yourbabysdaddy said:

IF ONLY SOME WOULD SELL A BOLT ON BODYDROP KIT..LOL. Go buy a second frame and stock floor that one and keep your original one uncut.


LOL! Funny you should mention that. This website has been up for a while and claims that company's build "Bolt on" Body drops for ANY make/model car or truck.
bukfidy   +1y
FUnny as it may seem there is a company that makes a bolt on body drop....its a complete rolling stock floor frame you can buy with different options and "bolt" your bed and cab, motor etc up to it
slamnscotte   +1y
Take it from someone who drives a body drop and works in a body kit warehouse... *insert joke here* if you have doubts get it done pro but BODY DROP IT its alot nicer to look at. IF your dead set on a body kit shoot me an IM but I hope not to receive one.
2ndChance   +1y
BODY DROP! You've already cut the frame, they're not worth anything after that anyway. I have a x-runner for my daily & I don't even like the ground effects on it!
puddin06   +1y
I know a guy with a body kit and he rips one side of his off a lot.

rooster52478   +1y
You might as well body drop it if you've already bagged it. It's an S10 so regardless of what you do to it you won't get your money back out of it. I wish I'd never bagged the S10 I had. If I hadn't traded it I would've ended up selling it for less than what one is worth stock.
choppedn22d   +1y
Yep, body kits fall off! Body drops dont!!! Its like getting a fake tattoo. You'll look like a pussy.
lowoh4   +1y
Edited: 11/4/2010 6:34:39 PM by lowoh4

I would say neither, because I just noticed you put it up on Craigslist in my area. Seems like you are not really sure what you want to do with it, and bodydropping requires a lot of time and dedication. If you are already posting it for sale, starting a bodydrop will likely end up with you having a half finished pile of metal that you can't sell. Leave it the way it is.
milkshake   +1y
yea i say neither as well because it looks like u got more problems than "a gap between the earth and your body" i say just go drag through your frame all the way to the body then there will be "no gap" ;)