Edited: 2/18/2011 10:26:23 PM by jaredmXG
Edited: 2/18/2011 10:21:45 PM by jaredmXG
This is where it actually got into my shop and we started tearing it down. Nate quickly realized how fun it is to use a Sawzaw cutting on the frame, So the newest toy at the time was the portable band saw. It sure makes things nice.
Nate decided to buy a new steering column from
www.thehoffmangroup.com, along with a fully labeled wiring harness from them.
He also picked up a fully built explorer rear end with Moser axles, lockers, and Willwood 4 piston disc brakes.although we did have to shorten the rear end 3" on each side to accommodate 22's
I decided to make a frame stand out of 2x4 because i could get the frame 100% level and I didn't plan on spending the money on box tubing at $4.00 a foot.