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Full Size Truckin General \  Sheet metal bed floor how too?!

Sheet metal bed floor how too?!

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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98FRMED150   +1y
Sup guys, i was wiondering what all of you use to make your own bed floor. Im searching for the best materials to use...size/shape..etc. Help me out! Its for a 98 f150 fleet side by the way.

1. What size square tubbing would be best?2. is 16 gauge sheets too thick or go with 18?3. What to use/build for bed mounts.

Im completly taking out my bed floor...want to start fresh. thanks!
david lee   +1y
Edited: 4/29/2011 11:51:45 AM by david lee

ive got a 03 flareside i did similar. My bed was cut out in middle when i got it, and i used 1x1 sqaure tubing, welding to factory bedsides to make a frame, then i used 2 pieces of 1/8" steel sheetmetal to make a floor, then i used trailer fenders, and 18ga sheetmetal to finish new insides of bed. The factory bed rails clip right back over, but i would imagine u could shave ur metal bed rails and do a little body work to finish it off. Its very sturdy, i took my buddy 4 wheeler to freakshow in 09 no trouble, and a another friends new motor from near raliegh to charlotte. I have since then cut out all factory bottom floor to make new mounts for body drop, but dunno how im doing that yet. heres sum pics, gl

Syk96Rngr   +1y
That is some sick ass work david lee! Looks awesome.
suicidemazda   +1y
i also used 1x1 tubing and 16ga. sheetmetal havent gotten to bed mounts yet tho
jaredmxg   +1y
I have used both 16 and 18 gauge metal and both work out fine, im just going to tell you now unless you are using a break of some kind, You will go threw metal sheer blades. They are not cheep, I have 3 different pair and my buddy has another brand. We have broke almost all of them doing his Hardbody with 16ga, I would recommend the 18ga with 1x1.
98FRMED150   +1y
that sounds about right...1x1 and 18...thanks guys!
Getbored Designs   +1y
i found that 1x2 box or 2" channel works best for bed floor framing.
gives you more surface area when welding to reduce warping.
the sheet you use all depends on the final bed use?
22 to even 12 ga for beds that are going to b worked out of.
a flat floor that will see some work is no where near as strong as a loovered floor
so keep that in mind.
98FRMED150   +1y
it will be strickly for looks..I'm thinking about getting a Cali combo or just using my tail gate..all goin to be welded shut...might have a couple of coolers back there but the bed isn't goin to see any use at all...I'm still wondering if I should just use the bed sides and build all my own shit or build the floor over the factory floor?!
sadisticiron   +1y
it all depends on what tooling you have and what your capable of doing. this first one is made with 1x1 sqaure tube frame, 1/8 floor cuz he wanted it flat, with 18g sides beadrollers like 18g more than 16g.

this the low lux bed made with 1x1 square tube frame and all 18g floor and sides. the beads stiffen up the floor and let you at least walk on it. also the bed is way lighter then with 1/8 floor

this bed is made the same as the low lux
MaDeNMiAmi305   +1y
^ very nice!