so let me lay it out. my brother bought some equipment to put in his project and sold the project. he picked up 2 alpine mrv 1507 amps that were used, but supposedly in working order. he also bought 2 new kicker L7 12''s to run off those amps. the kickers are 750
rms@4 ohms 1500 peak. well, the amps are looking like theyre no good and im trying to figure out what to replace the amps with if they do turn out to be shot. scrambling around the web ive found a whole bunch of info but i figured id ask the guys that run shit like this in their projects themselves. im getting the box built for crown vic wagon they are going in, but am lost at amp selection and sub wiring.
my questions.
can i run both subs off 1 kick ass amp? and what amp would that be? ive seen posts on other sites about running 2 4ohm subs off 1 amp at a 2 ohm load, but get lost in the techincalities. do 4 ohm subs need to be wired at 4ohm loads on the amps? any info you guys can provide would be awesome