DUDE do what u want, put in some 2009 or 10 tacoma lights or something, or stocks, i took leds out of my maz to put stocks in, im sick of shaving shit, i put stock handles back in and wipers back in it, but if u like caddys run caddies, as long as u defend youre opening statement but make it look like ure friends a dick, people willdefend ure opinion, and telling ure buddy to fuck off is the general "opinion", for me as well, but dont set up the post like hes a dick and then jump down everyones throat when they tell u to tell him to kick rox, u set up the whole thread on premise that, from your standpoint, u need his acceptance for youre whatever YOU want or like on YOURE truck, and as far as caddies go i hate em, but im not thinking of running em, so do whaTCHAlike, and screw what ure boy thinks is played or not played....