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project: toyrover

Minitruckin' Magazine
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following 246
aon-teach   +1y
Here's a little teaser of it in action. They start prepping for those desert photo shoots pretty early! (shot taken at 6:22am)


THAT PICTURE IS NUTS!! I was standing there and never would have believed it would have turned out so good.
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aon-teach   +1y
Edited: 11/8/2010 9:07:09 PM by AON-Teach

See below

ahab   +1y
I want to say a big thanks to everyone who has helped along the way. I couldnt have done this without my big brother Mike AKA Teach, and my amazing wife for supporting me. Thanks to all who have helped in any way they could. And thanks to Brian for taking all these great shots.

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hitncry   +1y
So who here thinks this truck deserves to be seen on the cover of MT? If you've seen it in person I know you think it deserves it! After the size of the build-up thread here on SSM I think it would be sweet to see this creation finalized on the cover. "Toyrover" is going to be a classic mini that people will bring up in conversation for years to come.

If you would like to see it on the cover, be sure to let Mr. John Mata and the rest of the staff at MT know!
SIKaltima   +1y
i must admit at first when i saw the tail and headight conversions, i wasnt so wild on them but they have definitly grown on me and seeing the finished product! i know its tough getting on the cover with a black vehicle but this truck is well deserving! Congrats to Andrew on the beautiful truck!
tre5   +1y
I would love to see it on the cover of MT!!! I think it deserves it.
AON-4PumpedCL   +1y
I'd be very surprised to hear anyone say this truck doesn't deserve cover. I don't buy this talk about Black trucks never getting a cover shot! With a skilled photographer, a great backdrop, and a talented graphic design team (which MT has) they can make the cover pop and still feature a black truck. Granted, it will be a little more work on their part, but this truck deserves it. Just my .02
SIKaltima   +1y
I agree! and it definitly can be done... just look at the black truck from FFF with the toyota front and blazer roof and i cant remember what, but that was on the cover and it was black!
YUH8IN96   +1y
this truck def deserves the cover its a beautiful truck that has come a long way i hope it does make it.

it would of been nice to see this truck an tre's black mazda rite beside each other
solowkustomz06   +1y
the truck looks very good cant wait to see it in person