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How about how to act at shows, so they can stay around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minitruckin' Magazine
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neurotic   +1y
Originally posted by Stck2UrGuns

Edited: 9/17/2008 11:21:08 AM by Stck2UrGuns

Would you bring your child to a rated R movie? No, so why would you bring them to an adult oriented show? You guys know what happens at these shows, I think maybe instead of bitching about what others do, you should just close your eyes, mind your own business and enjoy the show. The fact is, no matter how much people want the scene to change; it's NOT GOING TO so quit acting like the god damn Gustapo.

Whatever happened to those MY DRINKING CLUB HAS A TRUCK PROBLEM tshirts?

OH YEAH, did you really need to copy and paste these? Why didn't you just bump the old thread back to the Hot 10?

Who says that show are ADULT oriented only. I know mayn of shows that have family at them walking around. Oh ya those are HOT ROD shows were people now how to havea good time and not be idoits. Come on people our kids are the future of this and if they cant be at a show to see the cars or trucks ,then its all downhill. I am sure most people that bitch about this subject dont have kids or their kids are to out of control to know how to act at a show. Sorry if that hurts feelings but im sure its got alot of truth to it.
ShakinPlates   +1y
A truck show is an sanctioned event, its not a party.... pretty simple.
gorillagarage   +1y
max and eddie both of you are reasons why i keep minitrucking. but like max said these last 10 years the sad part is that the guys that are ruining all the fun havent been around that long. its more then just acting right at shows its the hotel rooms the aftermath thats left. a lot of the shows dont exist not because of the promoters but the city or town dont want us there.

as far as taking my kid to a show i can take him to a lowrider show i can take him to a goodguys event or a vw show why should i not take him to a truck show.

i think one of the big problems is there is a generation gap you have the minitruckers who built minis back in the day that now have kids and are still building trucks and you have these young kids out of high school that want to " drag and destroy"
jgordon   +1y
To the comments about taking kids to R-rated movies and that its an adult oreinted place. They must not have children, I am sorry that I like to take my kids to car shows so that they can be involved. How do you think kids get an interest in trucks, cars or whatever. Its not from leaving them at home while you are out showing.
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by 55chevy03

To the comments about taking kids to R-rated movies and that its an adult oreinted place. They must not have children, I am sorry that I like to take my kids to car shows so that they can be involved. How do you think kids get an interest in trucks, cars or whatever. Its not from leaving them at home while you are out showing.

I think what eddy is saying is that he cant control everyone. SO you should know when your taking your kids to an event there could be some people acting out and really there isn't alot anyone can do about other than our own people. In other words keep your group in line and things will get better. Either way a promotor isn't really responsible for night time events and people just being pricks.
ShakinPlates   +1y
Yes and we all need to watch out for too
thacru78   +1y
I don't think alcohol is a problem at shows...people not being able to control their alcohol is another issue. I think as responsible minitruckers we should be able to tell our friends to chill out. Instead of standing back and laughing at them. I'm not going to lie....I like to get hammered drunk at shows....cause that's really my only time to do so. I ussually start early....get and then start to sober up for the roll out. Then hit it hard at the afterparty. It's all about responsibilty. Should we outlaw draggin, burnouts, and wet t-shirt contests at shows cause its illegal. I say no....we just need to be able to control them. Take beer away from shows...and all the shows will dissapear. Shows are like sporting events....alcohol and sports are like two pees in a pod. Same with alcohol and trucks. As far as kids are concerned.....when I have kids they won't go to shows. Because I know what goes on there......If your pissed out cause you kid saw some girl flashing, or that the language was to bad....then you better not let them watch FOX, NBC, ABC, MTV, BET, shit the Discovery channel etc. I've heard "Bitch" on all of those station several times. Not to mention countless beer adds, Girl Gone Wild Commercials, etc. I don't think shows are the problem.........
michlla00   +1y
You know i COMPLETELY agree with this thread... I printed these out for our own club to read over.. Why act like a complete fool.. I think these should be inforced with any club or person... It says "Limit or Better yet dont drink Alcohol". What if it was your club member who was Drinking and Driving went out and killed someone or even a child on the street?????? If you have someone to drive you thats Completely sober then fine drink it up all you want. I dont want some drunken A** to stumble on or around kids. Since when has mini truckin been about drinking and not about The vehicles????

Just some of my opinions...
tlw32882   +1y
Originally posted by Eddynr

Thanks Max, Brandt . it'sa a matter of controling your self.

"close your eyes and mind your business""it's up to the show"

you guys just don't get it, there is so much more to a show then everyone thinks. we don't have time to baby sit everyone.

self control is the key

common sense is NOT so common, yeah where are those shirts? i'm printing them my self, Brandt don't steal my idea

for the t-shirt......front- common sense is not so commonback- the list of rules
sunkencheyenne   +1y
i agree with what yall are saying , ive been in the scene since about 89 seem like it has went from car/truck show to party and bring your ride havent took a ride to a minitruck show or truck only show now in 2 yrs75 % of those shows around here are promoted in a way that brings out the party crowd , alot of which dont even have a ride and if they do its out in the spectator lot , yea i drink a few , but you have to maintain a level of self control , and as far as common sense , guys and gals we can preach about that till we are blue , BUT YOU CANT TEACH COMMON SENSEas far as kids go , i feel exzactly like you said i wouldnt take my daughter to a r rated movie , shes 10 , last thing i want to expose her to is alot of chicks exposing themselves,(granted i like naked chicks much as the next guy, just not in front of my child)so that being said use your own better judgement at which venues to take your kids to , if the show as a skin to win bikini contest , well hmmmm.... nah prolly shouldnt take her there, and night time events , well i do believe that show promotors have a certain responsibilty to those as well make it know if those events arent for the kiddies , clear out and have folks come back in , wristband them , make sure you have a of age audienceif you are having adult events , gotta be 18 to get in the club if the night event is a club style scene it should prolly be that way to as far as printing out rules and expecting people to follow them to the letter , good luck i would love to see shows like we used to have here on the east coast , Booger Bash, Minitruckin Nats ( like it used to be)

hopefully folks will see where we are headed and slow down , enjoy hanging out with your friends , have a few be smart and safe , save the hardcore beer pongin,and firing it up for your own parties so the rest of us have a scene to enjoy in the future and for our kids to enjoy and know how they should act when they go as well

just my lil ol 2 cents

till next time ride low with your head held highOutkast OG