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Minitruckin' Magazine \  How about how to act at shows, so they can stay around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about how to act at shows, so they can stay around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minitruckin' Magazine
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replies 41
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Stck2UrGuns   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2008 11:21:08 AM by Stck2UrGuns

Would you bring your child to a rated R movie? No, so why would you bring them to an adult oriented show? You guys know what happens at these shows, I think maybe instead of bitching about what others do, you should just close your eyes, mind your own business and enjoy the show. The fact is, no matter how much people want the scene to change; it's NOT GOING TO so quit acting like the god damn Gustapo.

Whatever happened to those MY DRINKING CLUB HAS A TRUCK PROBLEM tshirts?

OH YEAH, did you really need to copy and paste these? Why didn't you just bump the old thread back to the Hot 10?
BioMax   +1y
I don't necessarily want to see some post on the 82 rules about how to act a a show, but unfortunately "common sense" isn't all that common.

The comment that the scene will never change is a pretty poor attitude to have, especially considering that HAS changed for the worse and it is in desperate need of a resurection.

For whatever reason, when Jackass was the hot TV show, every "drinking-scene" went severly downhill. Many of the truck runs got canceled, Glamis started really cracking down on "comp-hill" at night, the river got out of hand... I don't drink, I have no problems with anyone else that drinks, nor do I feel that drinking is that issue. It's the lack of respect and common sense that is causing it all. If you can honestly say that you don't think that it has all changed these last 10 years, then you must either be blind, don't care or are one of the people causing the problems. The people throwing the show can't control everything, it is up to all of the rest of us to keep our clubs and friends under control if we want to see more shows.
Dead on Max.
RedHJedi   +1y
Originally posted by BioMax

I don't necessarily want to see some post on the 82 rules about how to act a a show, but unfortunately "common sense" isn't all that common.

The comment that the scene will never change is a pretty poor attitude to have, especially considering that HAS changed for the worse and it is in desperate need of a resurection.

For whatever reason, when Jackass was the hot TV show, every "drinking-scene" went severly downhill. Many of the truck runs got canceled, Glamis started really cracking down on "comp-hill" at night, the river got out of hand... I don't drink, I have no problems with anyone else that drinks, nor do I feel that drinking is that issue. It's the lack of respect and common sense that is causing it all. If you can honestly say that you don't think that it has all changed these last 10 years, then you must either be blind, don't care or are one of the people causing the problems. The people throwing the show can't control everything, it is up to all of the rest of us to keep our clubs and friends under control if we want to see more shows.

Max, as someone that puts a show on, I commend your honesty, and for all the things stated about this issue this year (and in the past), that is probably the simplest explaination that I've read so far. Way to tell it like it is, Max. Now that you've said it, some will inevitably look down about it, but you seem like the kind of guy that doesn't care much what others think, lol. we need more "Max's", and less "Jackass's"!!!

Dave MattinglyLatest CrazeFounders and STILL hosts of Truck Bash!

GraphicDisorder   +1y
I have always been able to control myself at shows, and will never understand those that cant.

I'd prefer events to return so I have some respect for that.
Eddynr   +1y
Thanks Max, Brandt . it'sa a matter of controling your self.

"close your eyes and mind your business""it's up to the show"

you guys just don't get it, there is so much more to a show then everyone thinks. we don't have time to baby sit everyone.

self control is the key

common sense is NOT so common, yeah where are those shirts? i'm printing them my self, Brandt don't steal my idea
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by Eddynr

Thanks Max, Brandt . it'sa a matter of controling your self.

"close your eyes and mind your business""it's up to the show"

you guys just don't get it, there is so much more to a show then everyone thinks. we don't have time to baby sit everyone.

self control is the key

common sense is NOT so common, yeah where are those shirts? i'm printing them my self, Brandt don't steal my idea


No really I do find it so odd some that cant control themselves at shows. They are normally the same ones crying on Monday morning because the show wont happen again the next year.

We all have to do our part to calm down people in our own groups. Having a good time and destroying things are two different things.
Chevyguy   +1y
Originally posted by Eddynr

you guys just don't get it, there is so much more to a show then everyone thinks. we don't have time to baby sit everyone.

Amen to that.

The way I see it is that drinking on only part of the problem. If someone gets drunk they think it gives them an excuse to act stupid or not say anything to someone being stupid. I ws at a show this weekend and there were people drinking but they were being responsible about it and no one got into fights or destroyed property. Everybody there hung out together and had a great time. This weekend was the best time I've had at a show simply because it was layed back and everyone acted like adults.
overkillFFF   +1y
I think basically that people need to have respect for other show goers, participants and especially the people who put countless hours into making a show happen, not to mention whoever owns the particular site the show is being held at. These people who are making asses out of themselves by whatever they are doing need to wonder...if I had a bunch of people at my house, would I really like it if people tore up my yard, my stuff, disruppted neighbors or whatever. When I styarted minitruckin over 15 yrs ago, it was all about hanging out with your buddies and showing off what you've got! And that's all it should ever be about. If people don't see it that way, then don't complain that there are no car shows to go to, because people will just plain cancel them, and then they won't have anyone to blame but themselves!
seanb   +1y
I originally wrote those "rules" a couple of years ago after we had to cancel Showfest. It occurred to me that some people, especially the new guys, had never been told how to act and didn't seem to know themselves. It was kinda' an unwritten code that I felt was appropriate behavior.

Most replies to the post were in favor of having something in writing but of course there were guys bashing it because "no one needs to be told how to act."

You know what? They were right. The list I wrote was based on MY ideas about how I think others should act. I can't just write a list of "rules" and expect it to change anyone. Change only comes from the inside as a result of my decisions. Personal accountability isn't about you, it's about me. I can only lead by example. So throw away the rules. I'm going to make a difference by working to change myself.