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club of the year

Minitruckin' Magazine
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jucieddime00   +1y

yea thats true but im tired of shit talkers i mean grow the fuck up these richie bitch kids wit 20 Gs and a pair of dickies talkin shit about other peoples shit that are struggling but doin there damn best to be at every show and do what they love to do no matter what everyones truck started out as a piece of shit at one time and everyone is entitled to have there own taste people need to build there shit for themselves not what everyone else wants
GraphicDisorder   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by rennyvery well put my friend.some times it seems like the scene is turning gangsta.its just not the same as it used to be.pretty soon were gonna have to go to shows strapped.theres nobody better than everyone else in this scene.quite a few shit talkers on here too.ive noticed that most of the shit talkers on here dont have a truck in their profile.or they have a piece of shit truck that will never get completed in their profile.grow up guys.---------------------------------------------Renny you illustrating even more another problem with the scene.Someone cant have an opinion because they dont have a feature or cover truck or because their truck isn't nice?  Seriously?  See back in the day it used to be it didn't matter who you were, how you built your truck, how nice your truck was, all that mattered is you were into trucks.   This scene needs to get back to that, quick. 
renny   +1y

my point is....most guys on here who post up rude comments dont even have a truck.i care less if its a feature truck or talking about the guys who comments in the classified threads,and make statements like, "you will never get that amount for your truck." thats the shit that needs to stop.
jucieddime00   +1y
maybe after awards at everyshow everyone should have a big group hug? you kno just to make sure no hard feelings aha
woof   +1y

IMO Quality RidesParticipation at ShowsService to the Community such as Toy Runs   (Not Court Ordered) Good Attidute torward all clubs and shows =WIN !!
GraphicDisorder   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by rennymy point is....most guys on here who post up rude comments dont even have a truck.i care less if its a feature truck or talking about the guys who comments in the classified threads,and make statements like, "you will never get that amount for your truck." thats the shit that needs to stop.---------------------------------------------We stop a ton of that, both from guys with "nothing" all the way up to guys with multiple cover trucks.  Unfortunately we cant catch it all.  Sadly thats what the scene has become.
renny   +1y

BUMP............................I VOTE FOR AFTERMATH
lumpy   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by woofIMO Quality RidesParticipation at ShowsService to the Community such as Toy Runs   (Not Court Ordered) Good Attidute torward all clubs and shows =WIN !!--------------------------------------------- exactly.......  just because you have more money in your truck then in your house dosent make your club the best it just shows you spend alot  additude is the biggest thing that needs to be looked at you dont need 100+ members or all finished trucks we all really need to get back to what all got us startedin this scene .. having fun cruisin hangin out and just livin life  now its about whos got better this or that and biggest wheels blah blah blah remember where this all started ........ a kid on a bike seein a slammed truck or car and thinkin when i get my licence thatll be me............ we all started here from a dream some are just farther along then others  i say drop the club, ride,  show of the year and get back to having fun.........
post photo
rat_fink   +1y
lumpy   +1y
give some reasons why  you want whatever club you choose as club of the year not just name them.........