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Trying to complete my MT mag set

Minitruckin' Magazine
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replies 22
following 16
baggedmitsu   +1y

way to move in on my thread mike, you ass lol Looks like a I got two issues coming. I cant wait to finish this set. I have all the tailgates already. I have a ton of doubles of those as well.  Ernie
onelowmini   +1y

Hey ernie..both dave and cheeze from up north have every single issue of mini truckin and doubles of some..i dont think either of them are on ssm much but if you look on the fff myspace they are on there. I am sure they have doubles if you wanna hit them up.
///RELAXED 720   +1y
Edited: 1/22/2010 5:08:41 PM by ///RELAXED 720

Just trying to help here but I think your list is a bit wrong. I believe that 91, 92 & 93 had 6 issues & 94 they went 9 issues 91-93 should be JanMarchMayJulySeptNov 94 should be JanMarch MayJulyAug SeptOct Nov Dec  At least that's how my collection goes & I'm only aware of 2 that I'm missing (the 1st issue & Oct 94).  Mike has them all so he can correct me If I am wrong.      
baggedmitsu   +1y

Ok, you could most certainly be right. I just dont remember that far back. lets see, ill post what I do have then for those years. 91januaryseptnov 92marchmay 93marchmayjulyseptembernov 94 I have 8 issues, so if you say their is 9 I may only be missing one thenjanmarchmayjulyaugustseptnovdec looks like only oct 94 then.
nc dragger   +1y

Hey ernie i have the spring 89 issue pm me your addy and i will send it out .  good cond just a little loose at the staples but yoursif you want it.
mooner   +1y
i have so many damn magazines that I can't remember what I have. HEHE. I have almost all of the Street Trucks, Sport Trucks, MiniTruckin and Truckin magazines as far back as I can remember. I was going to put them up on Ebay, but I just dont have the time. I will pull them out and see what all I have in good condition.
slamdtaco   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by mooneri have so many damn magazines that I can't remember what I have. HEHE. I have almost all of the Street Trucks, Sport Trucks, MiniTruckin and Truckin magazines as far back as I can remember. I was going to put them up on Ebay, but I just dont have the time. I will pull them out and see what all I have in good condition. ---------------------------------------------only ones worth money are the older MT. trust me I've had them all on ebay
baggedmitsu   +1y

Ok so thanks to a few of you I know have a few more issues that I was in need of. So ill update my list here in a sec. Still looking for quiet a few.  Ernie
baggedmitsu   +1y
Edited: 2/4/2010 3:41:21 PM by baggedMITSU

here is my updated list, of WHATS NEEDED 1990Summer 1991may 1992januaryseptnov 1993jan 1994febapriljuneoct 1995februaryjuneseptnovdec 1996march 1997nov I'm almost there.
baggedmitsu   +1y
