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MT bashing

Minitruckin' Magazine
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bagged95s10   +1y
Everyone starts somewhere in minitruckin, i remeber heating springs and pullin leafs like it was yesterday, but whether its was the right way or wrong way we did it cuz we were broke and wanted alow mini!

With that bein said, im just wonderin y Max downs peoples work in his column and compares it to his own, Max ur very talented but that doesnt give right to say someones 2-link is shit, and that minitruckers as a whole hafta stop building rides this way, or putting pictures of someones work in MT and doggin it, like the nissan with the motor stickin out the hood, yea i dont like it either but apperenly the owner does, any ways what im gettin at is to me there is no standards to minitruckin in general, its all in what u want and like, if every built rides to some standard then we'd have buncha standard rides

peace im out

o yea my truck has a garage built two link, doesnt ride as nice a four link but but i dont care i still drive my truck everywhere!
redspowerjams   +1y
Edited: 12/10/2010 1:27:04 PM by redspowerjams

I think the thing to look at is when somebody new to mini trucking builds a truck they tend to be on the younger side and they tend to not have the skills it takes to build something safe for the road. there is allot more to building a back half then just welding a step notch in and bolting on a set of link bars. I would say when it comes to truck shows, there are allot of trucks that are showing that do look like SHIT! this would be, bad and unsafe welds then you have the people that just build BAD, like wrong gauge steel, braces in the wrong place, a brace that is made where there is no support in it, or just no brace at all just for a small list. Yes, they do need to start somewhere but if they are not picked out and called out then some of them will keep building unsafe trucks and in the long run it can kill people when it breaks.

Now let
e10pvmt   +1y
so i should be ok with the unsafe ride on the road done wrong and tell myself "its ok....he's just new to the game". I disagree....we did the things we did like you said...wrong but it was all we knew....todays minitrucker has a shit ton more information and parts at there disposal than we ever did....while i am not one to rag on someones work and call them out on it in a public forum without first offering constructive criticism....i do however applaud max for lending a great deal of his knowledge to educate the current and future generations in doing things the proper way and creating a safe well operating ride you can enjoy for years. Just cause you cant afford or dont have the skills is no reason to build an unsafe truck....who cares if you built it if someone dies
22below   +1y
The articles Max writes are the most interesting in MT.
He has a view and so do you, agree to disagree, its that easy...
LaidNeon   +1y
people / shops need to be called out on "bad" work
jeebus @ mmw   +1y

LaidNeon said:

people / shops need to be called out on "bad" work


You end up walking a line that can mean nearly anything that way.

I agree, the less hack work on the road the better, or at least the safer, but whos to say whats hack these days? I do agree people like Max could be on that list, to give us all pointers.... along with a handfull of other people.... but what is accomplished when the average keyboard commando starts pooping out advice? Then were back to square one.

Seems like the best thing to do, is to set examples with doing good work yourself and hoping that helps set a trend.

This is something I heard at Max's one day.

"I have never done the same thing twice, I always learn that there is a better way of doing it, not to say what I did was wrong, but there's always room for improvement."

I think Max is trying to get a point across that there is always a different way to approach things.

For Example: I think we have all been at a show and was like WTF after looking at someone's set up. I remember asking one guy to let me know when your leaving, when asked why I said that I want to be in front of you, not behind you! He went on to ask why I was being a dick (which is usually not like me) but this guy had welded an entire back half with Exhaust Tubing. I even offered up a trailer to take him home, FOR REAL!!! This guy talked to other people at the show and seen the error of his ways. Thankfully!

I think Red hit the nail on the head. HELL YEA! My 2 cents as well!
CultureCreature   +1y
I have done my share of "hack" work when I was young... Nowadays I do the research, save the coin, and take the time to do a quality job. At the end of the day it isn't about my own safety as much as it is for the safety of the people I share the road with. If my bad work was to fail and I didn't kill myself, but killed a family in their SUV then I have to have that on my life forever. Getting low can be achieved in the same manner. Just takes research, time, maybe a bit of money, and a basic principle in geometry and physics...

When it comes to being a shop owner, what kind of a reputation would a shop have if, let's say a lower link bar tab broke, sent the vehicle into an oncoming car and either injuring or killing people. The shop owner may as well close the doors, change the locks, throw away the keys, and not come back. It would only be proving the craftsmanship that shop was putting out. It is bad business and one's conscience shouldn't allow them to let someone pay for unsafe work.

Max's voice is not as much to bad mouth and put a person down, it is to call out the lack of safe and quality work. If it wasn't for people like Max how in the hell would I have ever learned what is right from wrong. I have been on the whipping end. It hurts, but I took it as creative criticism and worked to improve. People shouldn't take it so personal, maybe they should see is as a means to improve. Take your lashing from Max (or others like him), go home, do it right, and take the time to send whomever a photo of your re-done work and take the praise that will follow...

just my two pennies...
gonz   +1y
who cares, sugar coating shit is why this whole country has to walk on egg shells everyday as it is. everyone gets butt-hurt because the truth hurts. a little bit of truth may sting but a 6 car pile up killing 10 people on the interstate would sting alot more for alot longer. take it with a grain of salt.

and in my humble personal opinion theres nothing wrong with a garage built 2 link on a 1500 dollar mazda or some shit... but when you spend 8 grand in paint, 5 grand in a motor, 2 grand on interior, then run a 50 dollar 2 link made of 2x2 tubing... this makes me face palm. ive seen cover trucks with 120,000 dollars or more invested running a 2 link. and that makes me scratch my head.