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Minitruckin' Magazine \  MT bashing

MT bashing

Minitruckin' Magazine
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replies 28
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onelowmini   +1y
I was at Max's house today and he said if he didn't build it then it pretty much sucks...hahaha jk.

But for real I was at his house today and we talked for quite a while. I have known him for years and he has been nothing but informative to me and to thousands of others. There is nothing wrong with him wanting to see mini truckers build their trucks correctly. We all have the same goal, to put our trucks on the ground....this day and age offers us so much information on how to do it the best way possible the first time around...Yes Heating a coil, pulling leafs, stacking blocks...those will all do the trick...but are they the correct way?? why not do it correctly right out of the box....
JohnMataJr   +1y
Check your email please Cody. Thanks!

John Mata
Mini Truckin
ra156   +1y
thats why its a good article love it or hate it your talkin bout it that mag needs more readable content god editorials are so underrated its unreal
S K LAID 720   +1y

gonz said:

who cares, sugar coating shit is why this whole country has to walk on egg shells everyday as it is. everyone gets butt-hurt because the truth hurts. a little bit of truth may sting but a 6 car pile up killing 10 people on the interstate would sting alot more for alot longer. take it with a grain of salt.

and in my humble personal opinion theres nothing wrong with a garage built 2 link on a 1500 dollar mazda or some shit... but when you spend 8 grand in paint, 5 grand in a motor, 2 grand on interior, then run a 50 dollar 2 link made of 2x2 tubing... this makes me face palm. ive seen cover trucks with 120,000 dollars or more invested running a 2 link. and that makes me scratch my head.


couldnt have said it better myself.
DeepSouthS10   +1y

gonz said:

who cares, sugar coating shit is why this whole country has to walk on egg shells everyday as it is. everyone gets butt-hurt because the truth hurts. a little bit of truth may sting but a 6 car pile up killing 10 people on the interstate would sting alot more for alot longer. take it with a grain of salt.

and in my humble personal opinion theres nothing wrong with a garage built 2 link on a 1500 dollar mazda or some shit... but when you spend 8 grand in paint, 5 grand in a motor, 2 grand on interior, then run a 50 dollar 2 link made of 2x2 tubing... this makes me face palm. ive seen cover trucks with 120,000 dollars or more invested running a 2 link. and that makes me scratch my head.


posts like this is why we need a "Like" button on SSM lol. Well said man.
SSM-BobHase   +1y
This off subject a bit John Mata you typed this ( Check your email please Cody. Thanks! )

I called you two weeks ago return your phone calls Please

Bob Hase 909-910-3184
nvr53   +1y

gonz said:

who cares, sugar coating shit is why this whole country has to walk on egg shells everyday as it is. everyone gets butt-hurt because the truth hurts. a little bit of truth may sting but a 6 car pile up killing 10 people on the interstate would sting alot more for alot longer. take it with a grain of salt.

and in my humble personal opinion theres nothing wrong with a garage built 2 link on a 1500 dollar mazda or some shit... but when you spend 8 grand in paint, 5 grand in a motor, 2 grand on interior, then run a 50 dollar 2 link made of 2x2 tubing... this makes me face palm. ive seen cover trucks with 120,000 dollars or more invested running a 2 link. and that makes me scratch my head.


x fng 10.well said maybe the mods on this site should read this post.
Minitruckcartel   +1y

SSM-BobHase said:

This off subject a bit John Mata you typed this ( Check your email please Cody. Thanks! )

I called you two weeks ago return your phone calls Please

Bob Hase 909-910-3184


SSM-BobHase   +1y
Chris I did say please there are things going on that I want our favorite Magazine Mini Truckin to be in involved in but if I get know return call it can't happen.
JohnMataJr   +1y
It was nice FINALLY talking to you Bob! ;)