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Minitruckin' Magazine \  who to talk to about under constuction feature?

who to talk to about under constuction feature?

Minitruckin' Magazine
views 2893
replies 19
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fatbastardcustoms   +1y
thats the reason why im asking for any knowledge, tips, pointers, etc to have a idea/goal/ of what to present or how to present my ride for it to get even better attention, ive read the article a few years back about getting a better chance at a picture in mini truckin. however im trying to push for more then a photo. i know sometimes vehicles have been told get more chrome for a feature or more polished items, or whatever it may need to make that big push for a painted feature but i know its always final call by the editor and publication. i understand what your saying about they will come to you. however it would be nice to have some pointers before the show of what they would like to see so if i get a chance to pull any last minute mods off besides what already is planned.i apperciate any help, pointers. thanks for your assistance.
low_blazer   +1y
The biggest thing you need to do is make sure it is super clean and presentable. Just because it's under construction doesn't mean it can look like Nice primer, good show display, clean and visually apealing. Go look through magazines and look at other UC features, see what makes them stand out over the seas of primer at the shows...BD'd on 20's just doesn't cut it any You've got a nice ride, it looks like it will be bad ass when it's done...just keep it up..
fatbastardcustoms   +1y
thanks im hoping to have it look alot better, im gonna hopefully use the last week before danger zone to detail the engine, interior wheels and frame.
JTB   +1y
by looking at the pics you selected to post, here are a few suggestions from me to to get you to the point where a photographer would ask you to shoot it

finish all the body mods & get the body SUPER straight & all in one color

finish all the electrical add ons like the leds it looks like you are putting in the rear fillers

make sure the engine/ air ride is in working order & you are able to get to where the photographer wants to shoot relatively quick and easy

detail/paint/polish EVERYTHING under the hood & get it to the point where when you paint the whole truck both are compatible & it will also give viewers a peek as to where/how the truck may look when finished

i hope this helps you move in the right direction, it looks like you are on the right path, your truck is looking good

good luck

guiltybydesign   +1y
When i got shot for UC with the frontier im building my buddy Josh Fleetwood just asked that i leave the truck sitting there after the show was over so he could shoot it. Kinda like what Doug said, the photographers will come to you.
gimp5561   +1y
detail it out be sure you can take the time for them to shoot it,i was asked to wait 3 hours for the sun to be wright
and i had a 14 hour drive home but it was worth the wait (i have great pride that TITO shot uc ). they may ask you to come to a show the next weekend be ready at the drop of a hat. cookie cutter's are not what they are lookin for build out of the box.
good luck to you hope you get it.
fatbastardcustoms   +1y
thanks for the pointers guys, i apperciate it, its all a good push knowledge wise for me, im willing to wait a few hours after a show not a problem. sometimes the next weekend thing can be an issue. however like i said this gives me some knowledge, i plan on cleaning the hell out of it after i finish the body work and primering. for the most part the air ride works damn near perfectly just have to fix a few small issues. either relay or pressure switch. replace rubber fuel lines but i knew that one. if i get lucky i may have 22s on it also at that point. kinda hoping it all comes together. only time will tell. thanks again anymore pointers would be great.
automatik23   +1y
Lol mine got shot after dangerzone last year for under construction, Im not sure if they're just super busy or what but mine still hasnt come out. Good luck on getting it shot and I'd expect to wait for quite a while for it to be published.
slamedtoyota   +1y
ive been featured both times in minitruckin with my yotas. i think what makes a feature uc is one thing presentable. just put it in one color, and clean it. it dont matter if its on 20s or 22s its if those wheels are clean and your truck is a solid looking truck i dont think mods is what matter but how you finished what you have done
fatbastardcustoms   +1y
ryan love your truck (the 85 yota) i hear you and billy, i wouldnt mind waiting as long as it took as long as it got featured before it got painted and possibly featured in the future too LOL that would suck.. im trying to grab up the remaining parts for the front end, got everything but one more piece that will run me 150$. but thats not to bad, for the most part im seeing it come together body work and all. even if it dosnt get shot this year, just having the feedback has helped knowledge wise. after danger zone ill post new pics to my page/profile and here in this topic too. im trying not to give to much preview wise on here cause i live in a small town where we have lot of locals who come on here and we all tend to compete a bit amongst each other a little we all have fun and bullshit but when aint nothing to do but party, build vehicles, go from braggin rights lol. i pass on the partying and work on what i can. we got a few fff members in the local area. its nice to start seeing some of the more known clubs show intrest in the central valley.