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Dually Engine \  diesel engines

diesel engines

Dually Engine Dually Tech
views 1659
replies 10
following 5
low95xlt   +1y
ok i went and looked at the 99 diesel i ahve contemplating about... 88xxx miles 99 blah blah with the badges on the fender, so after looking over the grille area the Psd was a lil hungry and snagged a lil bird in her grille and yes its still there after they prepped it for the lot i told the sales dude he was rollin... so anyway he liek well we are giving u a nice pet to go with your truck... ok so to the motor
open the hood and its fairly clean in the bay 2 new battereis and piping and such looks fairly clean. so i look at the pass side pipe comine from the intercooler gogi nto the turbo and notice right behind the rad and cooler the pip is black right where the rubber connectors are and then the pipe goes back to the normal gry color? is this jsut a tighenting up the pipe clamp issue or more serious? alkso looked like a lil seepage right uner a bolt down cover on top of the motor, jsut under the black PSD plastic housein... should i be worried or no??? also i didn't drive it yet but seems like there is a driveshaft seal leakign at the pig? and maybe a lil seeping from the dif cover should i ahve them fix it and hsould i be owrried about possible ring damage?
liljlowrider   +1y
sounds minor to me but what do i know hell i havent looked under the hood of mine in a VERY long time.
baggedon6   +1y
low------The rubber hose/clamp thing is no big deal. Just try and tighten clamps and if it doesn't work just buy a new GM hose and those heavy duty GM clamps. The other engine issue I would have to see.
diabolic kustoms   +1y
yeah the hose thing is no big far as the the other leaks..well if it still leaking at least you know it's got
low95xlt   +1y
^^^ well did have oil
dropnit   +1y
is it a powerstroke?the leak in the engine you are talking bought right under the turbo?
low95xlt   +1y
yea its a stroke nw it was more towards the front of the motor. i will try to get pics tommorow when i go look at her again.. see if i can get a different sales dude sicne the first one was a douche, i ask who owned it and i was like well was it a young old or a business and he gave me shit before finally answering and then i coped a tude with him and he tried to be funny by saying the truck hasn't been ridden that hard and put away wet yet.....
dropnit   +1y
yeah i just read one of your other posts,that oil you are talking abought has been standard equip on every powerstoke i have ever owend bro.dont know what it is i thought the samething with the hose put a new hose and clamp and it still did it so idono?
low95xlt   +1y
sounds like it is a common thing and i sshouldn't worry about it then
dropnit   +1y
yeah dude i replaced the hose and clamp and it still did it and shit i think i put at least 100,000 miles on that truck 2 buddys of mine had the same thing so idono?one of those things i guess