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Dually Suspension \  Bags and cups.

Bags and cups.

Dually Suspension Dually Tech
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onefasthoagie   +1y
whores back to topic! does anyone have any pics 0f how much to chop off of the spring pocket? i need a rough line of where to start!
azhooligan   +1y
I was talking to a guy here in az that has bagged alot of duallys. He told me to cut them so the cup is only an inch tall if I want to lay it all the way down.
bdydrped   +1y
i swear i have pics of mine somewhere thought it was on my photobucket acct, but couldnt find it.

ill look tonight
onefasthoagie   +1y
Don't forget about me!!!
pig rig   +1y

I'll never forget you hoag
bdydrped   +1y
couldnt find them anywhere... im sure they are on my old comp the x has in storage...

ill try to remem to tak the camera to the shop with me tonight and snap a pic of mine
onefasthoagie   +1y

Pig rig would forget about me the first chance he gets.
krewzlo   +1y
1fH if you don't mind cutting them down I can get the 1/2 ones to ya real quick, 2 days or so, like normal. I should have everything you need as well, pm sent. Also I can get you a universal weld on shock relocator kit as well. Even my expensive airlift kit doesn't fit right. The spindle has put a huge dent in the side of the shock.
As far as cutting the pocket, take the springs out and jack up the lower control arm till it bottoms out on the frame. Then get a measurement from where the cup will sit up in the frame to where the bottom of the bag will sit in the arm, deduct the height of the bag compressed and that will be close for the cup height and then you will be able to get a rough idea of where the bag will sit. Make sure you have plenty of clearance around the bag, my general rule is if I cant fit my hand all the way around the bag there isn't enough room. You will have to cut out on the back side of the pocket as well flat with the inside part of the frame. Just cut the rolled lip off in there and grind it smooth. when I switched to HE7's I needed a little bit more room and that is what I did. You may find you don't need shocks if you run slams but it bounces at all run them for your safety and everyone elses too. If I wasn't leaving for vacation tomorrow I would take a bunch of pics for ya. Just holla at me if you need anything while you are installing, pm me if you don't have my cell# anymore.
onefasthoagie   +1y
sounds like a plan!! what ever you run, i'd trust your judgement on this one, if you want to include shockmounts i'll just keep em in case i need them. If a whole kit would be better i could do that as well, thought i don't need any spindels.
pig rig   +1y

no I won't because every time I see a post from you I start thinking "whats in the fridg that I can make a sandwitch out of"