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Dually Suspension \  Tubular Lowers!

Tubular Lowers!

Dually Suspension Dually Tech
views 5392
replies 61
following 15
bdydrped   +1y
sounds spectaculer..... ill go get e a bag of popcorn and a six pack, just sit back and see how it unfolds.
lophat   +1y
Damn, back in February all i wanted to know was if anyone was making them and got directed to BLF.

They will get the cash to make my set, but You know if I could add any thing it would be this...

I did not get hosed by this guy, and I am not making excuses for him, but if he is setting out to right wrongs he did, I say give him the chance.

I know I would probably not need a set of arms for a truck I may or may not still own, ( if four years have passed), but I really don't know what else you could expect from the guy. I guess it's a damn site better than not getting anything.

He fucked up, admitted it, and is trying to get it right. Where i'm from that takes guts. He could have crawled under a rock and stayed there.

Instead he's here taking shit from people who have every right to be handing out shit.

Now I would like to ask this, how he is replacing/actually shipping, these sets of arms?

Is he rebuilding them better?

Is he giving back cash?

Just wondering is all brother, all I know is that I for one will give you the benefit of the doubt for now...just cause that's how I roll.

I am not proud of everything I have done in my life, but I never screwed over anyone, and have always been one to help without really worring about the almighty dollar.

I haven't a mansion and a yacht, but the stuff I have is mine, hard earned, paid for, and no one can take that, or anything I own from me....claiming I screwed them over to get it.

Not filing backruptcy took some balls...I respect that.

Seems like swaying others may not be so easy...yes a intro to the site would have been a good idea, but I guess we are passed that now.

Get your wrongs right, and stop trying to tell everyone how much of a changed man you are...if you prove it, they'll eventually run out of legs to stand on, and shit to throw.
skidrow   +1y
PLease PLEASE close this thread baha

ill say this as far as doing bissness with mike ill never do it agen.

+ i dont need my parts iny more i took care of that my self
so thats one pare you dont need to make mike i ment it win i sead fuck you
but on the other hand you do know your shit about suspentions and have help me out on some of my shit. hell me you and joemilionair (pink toy)
sat and drank beer at rezo now i dont remimber you drinking but i shur was.

and thats why i did bisness with you cuz i had trust.

as far as me im done and you owe me 500 beers mike

if we can close this thread and start over ill give him a chance ill just not do bissness with him

i think thats fare

sorry for the spelling guys you know me by now

now get back in the shop and biuld some shit

dhpmike   +1y
lets just leave it where its at and see.

Im not trying to sell arms in here. Not until I start making extra sets anyway.

Im just here commenting on tech things.

I do sell watts links and crossmembers and you might say the money goes to charity. I use all of it to fund parts orders.

ANYWAY, commenting on lowers for these trucks....

Im glad GM made it where these can fit 63-87. hell adding disc brakes to a 63-71 is easy on these.

I was working on a lowered bolt in crossmember for these a while back. one that would accept the stock or dropped tube arms, and raise everything enough so you dont have to Z the frame on these trucks.

It can be done, and some have even cut their engine crossmember and made it work.

watahyahknow   +1y
i know it can be done porterbuild allready makes them , takes air a mustang rack and pinion and strongarms and tucks the wheels in 1 inch a side
huskerdually   +1y
Mike I got a quick easy question for you. I saw a thread on ssm probably over a year ago saying you were going to fix everything. Now is you say there were only 22 or so people you screwed over. At one person every other week you could have taken care of this in a year. Why did you not contact each person individually and say hey I'm trying to make this right, do you want me to make your parts or just refund your money? Obviously Eric hasn't gotten much in the way of communication from you.

No I don't know you and I never did business with you. I just think it is reprehensible what you did. People do make mistakes and they have to live with it. Unfortunately your mistake cost other people a lot of money.
jcampbell1180   +1y
Did you guys know "Dog the Bounty Hunter" was back on TV?

I'm pumped.
skidrow   +1y
leave it to campy to say that shit

and yes you can cut the x mimber down i did it on mine works grate
and my control arms are not hiting the ground iny more and frame layes flat

o ya guy my paint guy baled on me he didnt talk to his wife 1st damm it jim

so i gess ill just not work so hard on the bed
huskerdually   +1y
I got one of them converter boxes and I get 23 channels now. That's with some rabbit ears.
dhpmike   +1y
you think its reprehensable huh?? what a joke.

you dont know what I did. all you know is what you read.

I just sold parts too cheap to pay the bills. mainly to other shops, SSD, FBI, SSC etc.

I had more money going out than in. hows that reprehensable??

anyway, about the 22 thing. I cant afford to make a set each week. I also had to rework jigs, get equipment, get a shop. hell I didnt ecen get the shop until December.

I moved into a house that has a seperate small shop, so I have no overhead except for electric and materials.

think about what all equipment it takes to make tube arms. then think of the materials....

tube, plates, bushings, balljoints, hardware...

then theres bender, lathe, drill press, chop saw, notcher, assorted hand tools, taps, bits, welders, plasma cutter, grinders, etc etc etc

the problem is you are not thinking. it costs alot to make a set of arms. they dont make much profit and with tube 3 or 4 times what it was 2 years ago, theres even less profit.

anyway, I am getting there. I actually finished the bushing holder on my latest S-10 upper jig fixture last sunday.

Im waiting on DOM tube to come in from Chicago so I can add all the stops for the tubes. I already have the dies for 1&1/4" and I am in the process of making balljoint plates.

Im also using the lathe almost every night turning bushing ends and such getting ready to make parts.

Id love to discuss this with any of you at any time. maybe there needs to be a thread for it so you guys can avoid it like the plague.

as for Eric, maybe he is not on the list yet, maybe the number is 23 or more. I have a list on my website and I update it about once a month. as I start to get more parts built I will update it faster.

Im finishing 2 watts links I have sold, and a set of uppers for an 88-98 old order.

I will make all the upper sets I owe and probably one extra to sell.

all these funds go back into tubing, plate and bushings.