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Southeast \  To Layd Out at the Park Cruise?

To Layd Out at the Park Cruise?

Southeast Events
views 40364
replies 162
following 11
lockone   +1y
Dont know at this point what time we are leaving but we are only 45 min from Chattanooga. Leaving from here depends on when we get all the sh*t put back together and loaded on the trailers....
Ill bring the seats
low95xlt   +1y
this sucks i want to go but not sure since i am gogi nto vegas 2 weeks after the show and money is tight
pig rig   +1y
21 -24th thats when I'll be there
low95xlt   +1y
i am going day after easter til that thursday not sure what the dates are
pig rig   +1y
thats the 17th-20th I'M leaven here on the 20th tobad becausei'll be buy'n the beer
lowyota   +1y
I'll be there for sure. Shooting video for concrete video. For those who have seen the trailer from concrete video about layd out at the park from last year. I am Derrick, the fat guy standing infront of the SLOW I'm SLOW DERRICK.
The chances of my dually being there are about as good as Cleveland winning the superbowl, NBA titel, and the world series in the next 25 years. BUT,,,,we will be there in my girls bagged colorado. it gets good MPG
guilty by design   +1y
Well its looking like i may be there. The owner of the blazer im building right now lives in western kentucky and wants me to bring it over. I think ill spend all weekend harrassing lokone about some 22.5s.
lockone   +1y
Bring your harrassment and your credit card....
guilty by design   +1y
Ill bring some sammiches
lockone   +1y
Hell Yeah

Cut some brackets and gussets and I will sell them in the booth for you. Bring a bunch of them