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Dually Projects \  Single cab

Single cab

Dually Projects
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someotherguy   +1y
Man really didn't wanna go political here but the new healthcare plan is the problem, not the solution, you should read about how many people's hours are getting cut to part-time so they don't have to be given benefits under the new law. Then read about how insurance rates are going up for everyone. The fines you have to pay if you don't buy insurance. Yes - you are forced to buy insurance, or pay fines, which grow exponentially each year. Because you are subsidizing the people that are getting...subsidies on their insurance. Paid for by others. By the way your health records all being electronic now (another mandate) everybody's status will be on record. So if/when this new law is scrapped and insurance companies are no longer forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions, guess what, they know EVERYBODY'S history, PERIOD, so now anyone with a pre-existing condition will be known and be denied flat-out. There's already been reports of major data problems with just the very few people that have been able to get signed up through that POS website, inaccurate data, duplications, missing info, etc. so you can see how well this is going to work out for everyone. It's a winner! And this is only scratching the surface, from the beginning, it's already a fucking disaster.

misterpig   +1y
Well I have no choice in the matter my employer requires me to have insurance and it has to be group insurance which for me alone is 330 a month for the lowest plan if I could go without the group it would be 80 for the highest plan with the same insurance company go figure that one out and I've been at my job for 7yrs and never once have had to use it.
watahyahknow   +1y
youre insurance is pretty steep ours is a lot lower than 300 dollar then again i dont know how that compares to youre income percentagewize , sounds to me youre boss is ripping you out off 220 dollar and a better healthplan i realy wonder if companies are alowed to do that , i mean demanding that youhave to be insured ok i can go with that but forcing you intoo their plan no way
i couldve gotten groupinsurance too from my last employer but chosen to stay with my current insuranceprovider (allso group but private not company)

when the new rule got aplied here the insurance companies where forced to take everyone no matter how ill m its changed a little now that everyone HAS insurance
we get the same healthcare working parttime. fulltime or unimployed , difference is the people with lower incomes get subsidized on top of their income by the goverment depending on their income and thus pay a simulair percentage of their income for the same care as the better payed people , i think thats the difference between us and the american healthinsurance setup
we allso pay it in person it doesnt get withheld from out paycheck like in the old days so if the insurance isnt payed its not the employers fault
they dont benifit by letting people work parttime other than in taxes
misterpig   +1y
I think it's time to dust the old gal off lets see what progress I can do in the coming weeks
misterpig   +1y
Today's work finally back on it
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misterpig   +1y
What do y'all think yay or nay
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watahyahknow   +1y
i think a full campertop would look better
misterpig   +1y
Yeah maybe but I guess at one point in its life it was around the rodeo circuit and still has the bullrider cowboy up sticker and a team roping stickers on the windshield and well nothing says rodeo like a dually with a sleeper
misterpig   +1y
Worked on the rear bag mounts today still along way from being done but it was progress
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misterpig   +1y
Got the other side cut and the bottom plates welded up before the rain came in and also managed to cut the cardboard template for the frame piece hopefully the weather is better next weekend
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