Man really didn't wanna go political here but the new healthcare plan is the problem, not the solution, you should read about how many people's hours are getting cut to part-time so they don't have to be given benefits under the new law. Then read about how insurance rates are going up for everyone. The fines you have to pay if you don't buy insurance. Yes - you are forced to buy insurance, or pay fines, which grow exponentially each year. Because you are subsidizing the people that are getting...subsidies on their insurance. Paid for by others. By the way your health records all being electronic now (another mandate) everybody's status will be on record. So if/when this new law is scrapped and insurance companies are no longer forced to accept people with pre-existing conditions, guess what, they know EVERYBODY'S history, PERIOD, so now anyone with a pre-existing condition will be known and be denied flat-out. There's already been reports of major data problems with just the very few people that have been able to get signed up through that POS website, inaccurate data, duplications, missing info, etc. so you can see how well this is going to work out for everyone. It's a winner! And this is only scratching the surface, from the beginning, it's already a fucking disaster.