Oh ya, I thinks its everybody's plan to Semi it up, But that has to wait. But had to take the bed off anyways to do the fuel pump so gonna parallel link it with bags and fix the bad c-notch job. Also while the bed is off , replace the roll pan to get rid of the 4 trailer L.E.D.'s. Install Caddy buckets. Stake Pockets are already filled so saved me some time there. Fix the rest of the bodywork on the bed, Prime and Paint It!!!! Haven't Decided If Im Staying With Satin Black Or Going Glossy?????? Any Suggestions??? Was thinking initially of going a metalic rootbeer and White 2-tone With Some Design to it to match the jet boat, but don't want to out date it to much. Trying to think CLEAN...... I actually don't mind the wheels that are on it(I'll be spraying those too) for being teens. They dont make em anymore. Do need smooth caps for though if anyone knows who or where to get em. My tire guy can only get the ones that say "EAGLE" on em. That's not what I want.