Ok so I have not really liked all the plastic air tubes since the beginning of this project. They are prone to fail, and I simply don't want to trust my ride to them. Weakest link you know...
I want hard lines for the whole system at some point. So tonight I took off the tank to tank line and ran some copper line in it's place. The next line I'm going to run is from the filters to the tanks, and then from the tanks to the valve. It has been a while since I have soldered any joints. Not since the last water heater went kapoot!
Eventually I will do the main supply line from the York to the filters, but that hydraulic line is doing a fine job at this point. And naturally I will do all 4 corners to the bags. One less thing to worry about! My stuff may not be as pretty as some of the show trucks I see, but I want mine to be mechanically sound first.
Looks a little steam punk to me!