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General Discussion \  new but not new

new but not new

General Discussion
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onelo86b2k   +1y
Whats up everyone? Im kinda new.......kinda not new. Lol, sounds weird but my last screen name was either 1lob2k or 1lowb2k, not really sure. I couldn't remember my log in info so I had to start another one.

Well, in the time I was away I was able to get my door handles, fenders, and tailgate shaved. In the process, I also blew the head gasket on my 2.0, then while the truck was at my buddies shop to get fixed, it mysteriously disappeared.
johnnydigits   +1y
welcome back
toddluck   +1y
welcome back man been awhile
onelo86b2k   +1y
for sure, now that I've had a little taste in the mazda world and a lil help from a past feature owner (Justin Wyatt), Im going to get another dawgg and try to post as many pics of the build as possible. Im trying to get my buddies b2200 when he gets the tranny fixed.
toddluck   +1y
nice keep us posted
baha   +1y
Welcome back to the site, if you can find your old info, and the email it was registered to you can reset the password.
onelo86b2k   +1y
Yeah baha, I tryed but I can't remember 100% which email and all that junk I used. By the way, what are the status points and what are they for?
baha   +1y
I pmed you back but this is good because I'm sure this question comes up a lot.

Status Points are something new we are doing. We feel that certain members deserve to be recognized because of their contributions to the scene/hobby/sport whether it be helping to teach newbies, or volunteering to help people on their projects. Status points help do that. You'll see more as we expand on it but we had to get it started.
onelo86b2k   +1y
thats cool, nice way to keep the site vets recognized
onelo86b2k   +1y
ok, so I was looking through some old post and found my old screen name, lol its 1lo86b2k. just like the new one, just this one is spelled out