The vht stuff ain't too bad... I used their gray primer stuff on my down/mid pipe in the flatbed.... It covered what i had to clean when i had an inch taken it of the upper neck of my down pipe, where i attached new 2 1/4" pipe about 4 inches down the down pipe all the way back to my magnaflow muffler, i knew with how low i sat i was gonna scrap the exhaust and any paint it had on the bottom side anyways. It didn't smoke like normal paint would do on exhaust pieces, and it slowed rust from forming on the new exhaust. I wish i would have spent more money for another can of primer vht and 2 cans satin black vht exhaust paint. If i ever get around to making a header for my 2.6 motor, the entire redesigned exhaust/custom built header will get painted with that stuff.