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General Discussion
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pont   +1y
its not like he got home and noticed it when he got home he walked out the door and told his buddy so yes he did see it and shove it in his pocket and just leave
mark   +1y
happened to me with oil at an auto parts store. to sum it up, i paid with a credit card and she rang it up as "cash". i should have recognized it as she didnt make me sign anything, but i was such in a rush i didnt realize what exactly happened. didnt realize it until i got home. so i scored 40bucks that day and i was not about to drive through traffic for another 30mins.

well hell guess what happened the week after haha. i had to go buy a damn 40dollar (seriously, it was 39.99) inline fuel pressure regulator because the truck was running rich. lol. so i didnt even hesitate to go buy the fuel pressure regulator. i knew it was meant to be
blare   +1y
On the other hand I have been on the sucky side of this situation.

When I worked as a night manager at a video store I sold this nice old grandma $70 worth of DVDs. She handed me her card and like what happened to Mark I hit cash instead of card. I was so busy talking I bypassed everything that would have let me know that I was screwing up. Needless to say I awoke the next morning to my GM calling me over and over.

In the end it was pay the cash or lose the job. I payed up and damn did it suck, because I basically worked that whole night for free.

It was completely my fault and I wont igonore that. Would it be nice if I could have tracked the lady down? Hell ya! Did I screw up? Yepp and it never did happen again. I watched every sale like that giant pigeon in Mark's sig. lol.
zaccutt   +1y
I get screwed all the time, it was an honest mistake, you didnt steal it or walk out with the reciept, you even showed the counter expecting them to realize probably...

fanninator   +1y
night manager at a video store bringing home 70+ a day???damn must be nice i bring like 40 after tax has raped me.
but man thats like you seeing me face to face buying a fender off of me for say $20 then i see that there are 2 20s stuck together or you drop one on the ground and me praying that you dont notice it so i can screw you over and say well shit man, big I little U. get what were just go pay the guy so he doesnt lose his job over a mistake on an $80 starter. its not like they are gona rip ass or call the police over you coming back to be honest. my .02 -bf
hocbj23   +1y
I have had folks give me too much money in change or not charge me the right amount for a part,etc.a lot. I always go back and make it right.I sorta use the Golden Rule as a guide,and if it were me that screwed up, I would really be grateful that someone were honest enough to make it right.But,everyone has their own morals to deal with.BJ
zaccutt   +1y
If you did bring it back who says you're paying the right guy, the guy at the counter can just pocket the money... No one would know.

lost_b2200   +1y
I agree. The time to sort it out would have been while you were still there. But now there is no turning around.
schreff   +1y
I work at a parts store. If I did that....its on me not the consumer. Good deal bro.
mazdamandan   +1y
I was tryin to nudge him hoping he would come around on his own, ya know the moral.
give a man fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he never goes hungry.
I was being suttle to get the point across.
Bottom line is people will do what they will until they see things through others eyes.
Sorry fer gettin deep on ya there.